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(Created page with "KENNETH L. ROBER.TS KENNEBUNK BEACH MAINE November 24th. Dear Mrs. F'uller:Yesterday I mailed you a package containing the bound manuscript of ARmTpEL, a nine-toot strip deta...")
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November 24th.
November 24th.
Dear Mrs. F'uller:Yesterday I mailed you a package
containing the bound manuscript of ARmTpEL, a nine-toot strip detail map o:r
the ~nnebec used 1n the writing of the
book, a modern map of the country from
the Height of Land to Quebec, and an
inscribed photo stat copy of' a hitherto
unpublished F,...ench eng1naer•s map of'
old Quebec, ..,,obtained from the Oongressional Library. As a matter of record I wou1d
like to have these acknowledged as loans
at any time that suits ;your convenience.
As I have said,--!" wou.Iif prefer to ·na:v~ --·-·
these unopened until. the book is out., so
you needn't bother with an acknowled~ement.
until later. I am leaving here tomorrow
anyway, though letters directed to me here
will be forwarded at once.
I do not know how you propose to
display this material, or even whether
Dear Mrs. Fuller:-
you propose to display it at all until you
have yciur new bu1ldin~. If you do display
it, however, I hope you will have 1n mind
a feeling that I think is common to a great
many authors----that rejected sections of'
a manuscript are not the author's final
thoughts. and therefore shoul.d not b,e
di splayed. If it should be . shown• I trust.
that 1 t will be guarde·d from the gay and
carefree army of souvenir hunters who have
no objection to ripping pages out of manuscripts for no apparent reason whatever.
When I was preparing to do this work. I ac-
Yesterday I mailed you a package containing the bound manuscript of AR-
UNDEL, a nine-foot strip detail map of the Kennebec used in the writing of the book, a modern map of the country from the Height of Land to Quebec, and an
inscribed photostat copy of a hitherto unpublished French engineer's map of old Quebec, obtained from the Congression-
al Library. As a matter of record I would like to have these acknowledged as loans at any time that suits your convenience. As I have said, I would prefer to have these unopened until the book is out, so you needn't bother with an acknowledgement until later. I am leaving here tomorrow anyway, though letters directed to me here
will be forwarded at once.
I do not know how you propose to display this material, or even whether you propose to display it at all until you
have your new building. If you do display it, however, I hope you will have in mind a feeling that I think is common to a great many authors----that rejected sections of a manuscript are not the author's final thoughts, and therefore should not be displayed. If it should be shown, I trust that it will be guarded from the gay and carefree army of souvenir hunters who have no objection to ripping pages out of manu-
scripts for no apparent reason whatever. When I was preparing to do this work. I ac-

Latest revision as of 07:54, 21 March 2017


November 24th.

Dear Mrs. Fuller:-

Yesterday I mailed you a package containing the bound manuscript of AR- UNDEL, a nine-foot strip detail map of the Kennebec used in the writing of the book, a modern map of the country from the Height of Land to Quebec, and an inscribed photostat copy of a hitherto unpublished French engineer's map of old Quebec, obtained from the Congression- al Library. As a matter of record I would like to have these acknowledged as loans at any time that suits your convenience. As I have said, I would prefer to have these unopened until the book is out, so you needn't bother with an acknowledgement until later. I am leaving here tomorrow anyway, though letters directed to me here will be forwarded at once.

I do not know how you propose to display this material, or even whether you propose to display it at all until you have your new building. If you do display it, however, I hope you will have in mind a feeling that I think is common to a great many authors----that rejected sections of a manuscript are not the author's final thoughts, and therefore should not be displayed. If it should be shown, I trust that it will be guarded from the gay and carefree army of souvenir hunters who have no objection to ripping pages out of manu- scripts for no apparent reason whatever. When I was preparing to do this work. I ac-