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[petitions committed]
The petition of Isaac Smith & others, inhabitants of Harmony for leave to sell ministerial lands, committed in the House to the Committee on incorporation of parishes &c. - came up for concurrence - read and committed, in concurrence -
The petition of William Buxton & al Committee of the Town of Cumberland for alteration of the School law, committed in the House to Messrs Emery, Kendall and Weymouth - came up for concurrence - Read & committed to the same committee in concurrence with the House, together with Messrs Ripley and Dennett on the part of the Senate -
Ordered that Messrs Bond and Bradbury with such as may be joined by the House be a committee to consider whether any and what addition ought to be made to an Act regulating Judicial process and proceedings, with leave to report by bill or otherwise - Sent down for concurrence - came up concurred and Messrs Pond, Dunlap and Downs were joined on the part of the House
[Reports of Stand Committee]
Mr Green from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns made the following reports to wit - on the
Petition of Inhabitants of part of Plantation No. 6 Oxford County that petitioner cause an attested copy of his petition to be published in the Hallowell Advocate three weeks successively, the last publication to be thirty days before the first session of the nest legislature, to the end any persons interested may then and there show cause if any they have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; also on the
Petition of Plantation No. 5 in the 2nd Range praying to be incorporated as a town by the name of Wellington - that petitioners cause an attests copy of their petition and the order thereon in the Eastern Argus three weeks successively the last publication to be thirty days before the first wednesday of the first session of the next Legislature, to the end any persons interested may then show cause of any they have why the prayer

Revision as of 18:47, 28 April 2020

[petitions committed] The petition of Isaac Smith & others, inhabitants of Harmony for leave to sell ministerial lands, committed in the House to the Committee on incorporation of parishes &c. - came up for concurrence - read and committed, in concurrence -

[“] The petition of William Buxton & al Committee of the Town of Cumberland for alteration of the School law, committed in the House to Messrs Emery, Kendall and Weymouth - came up for concurrence - Read & committed to the same committee in concurrence with the House, together with Messrs Ripley and Dennett on the part of the Senate -

[Order] Ordered that Messrs Bond and Bradbury with such as may be joined by the House be a committee to consider whether any and what addition ought to be made to an Act regulating Judicial process and proceedings, with leave to report by bill or otherwise - Sent down for concurrence - came up concurred and Messrs Pond, Dunlap and Downs were joined on the part of the House

[Reports of Stand Committee] Mr Green from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns made the following reports to wit - on the Petition of Inhabitants of part of Plantation No. 6 Oxford County that petitioner cause an attested copy of his petition to be published in the Hallowell Advocate three weeks successively, the last publication to be thirty days before the first session of the nest legislature, to the end any persons interested may then and there show cause if any they have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; also on the Petition of Plantation No. 5 in the 2nd Range praying to be incorporated as a town by the name of Wellington - that petitioners cause an attests copy of their petition and the order thereon in the Eastern Argus three weeks successively the last publication to be thirty days before the first wednesday of the first session of the next Legislature, to the end any persons interested may then show cause of any they have why the prayer