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on days of Elec
on days of Elec
[main body}
" appointing Messrs Humphrey, Patten and Ruggles
with such as the Senate may join a Committee to inquire

Revision as of 19:17, 3 August 2020

into the expediency of altering or amending the several acts to ex- empt certain goods and chattels from amendment and execution and from distress for taxes so as to include no less than

      bushels of potatoes for each family and likewise the

tools or implements of farmers necessary for their occupation. [right margin] Order H.R. expd of altering law to exempt certain goods from attachment

[main body] " That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a Law authorizing the Inhabit- ants of all incorporated towns and plantations to raise mon- -ey and expend the same on highways as they may think proper. [right margin] Order H.R. expcy of law authoriz- ing inh of towns to raise money to expend on high ways

[main body] " That the committee on the Judiciary be required to pro- vide for the choice of Electors, of President and Vice Presid- ent, by law, of this State were severally read and passed

in concurrence

[right margin] Order . H.R. to provide for the choice of Electors or Pres + Vice Pres


[main body] "That the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges + Canals be directed to provide into the expediency of allowing further time to complete the Merrymeeting Bridge. [right margin] Order H.R. allowing further time to complete Merry- meeting Bridge

[main body] Order of the House of Representatives appointing Messrs Shaw, Jewett and Richardson with such as the Senate may join to take into consideration the expediency of passing a law to prevent secret attachments on real estate with leave to re- port by bill or otherwise was read and passed in concurrence and Messrs Washburn and Hathaway were joined. [right margin] Order H.R. expediency of Law to prevent secret attachment

[main body] " appointing Messrs Williams, Parcher and Smart with such as the Senate may join to take into consideration the expediency of putting a stop to the practice of treating on days of public election with leave to report by bill or otherwise was read and passed in concurrence and Messrs Balknam and Shaw were joined. [right margin] Order H.R. in relation to treats on days of Elec tion

[main body} " appointing Messrs Humphrey, Patten and Ruggles with such as the Senate may join a Committee to inquire into