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Petition of George Chilcot [?] & al of Gouldborough that the inhabitants of Iron Bound Island may be exempted from military duty was read & referred to the committee on the militia & military affairs. Sent up for concurrence.  
Petition of George Chilcot [?] & al of Gouldborough that the inhabitants of Iron Bound Island may be exempted from military duty was read & referred to the committee on the militia & military affairs. Sent up for concurrence.  
Remonstrance of Levi Sargent & als of Harrington against the petition of sundry inhabitants of said town praying to be set off to Addison, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Remonstrance of Levi Sargent & als of Harrington against the petition of sundry inhabitants of said town praying to be set off to Addison, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.  
The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of votes given for Governor -. the question before the House being on the adoption of the motion of Mr Smith of Nobleboro' to amend the report by inserting in the report, the votes from the town of Baileyville according to the returns of the same " which question was decided by yeas and nays in the negative as follows yeas 68. nays 75. (see appendix page 270) Mr Smith Nobleboro' then moved to amend

Revision as of 20:29, 28 August 2020


Thursday January 28th 1830

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr Bradbary of Hollis, Ordered, That the committee on contested elections be requested to report to this House in the case of Andrew Roberts that the same may be acted upon at three oclock this afternoon read & passed.

Petition of the Selectmen of Gouldsboro' for relief, in their State & County taxes was read & referred to the committee on Finance.

Petition of James Pomroy of Hampden for an increase of his Pension was read & referred to the committee on application from sick & wounded soldiers - Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of George Chilcot [?] & al of Gouldborough that the inhabitants of Iron Bound Island may be exempted from military duty was read & referred to the committee on the militia & military affairs. Sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrance of Levi Sargent & als of Harrington against the petition of sundry inhabitants of said town praying to be set off to Addison, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of votes given for Governor -. the question before the House being on the adoption of the motion of Mr Smith of Nobleboro' to amend the report by inserting in the report, the votes from the town of Baileyville according to the returns of the same " which question was decided by yeas and nays in the negative as follows yeas 68. nays 75. (see appendix page 270) Mr Smith Nobleboro' then moved to amend