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Powers of Sandford  
Powers of Sandford  
Butterfield of Machias  
Butterfield of Machias  
Chamberlain of Ellsworth
Chamberlain of Ellsworth  
On State Lands
Messrs Pond of Bucksport

Revision as of 12:22, 4 September 2020


Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

Petition of Jeremiah Bradbury & others Trustees of Alfred Academy for aid, was read & referred to the committee on Literature & Literacy Institutions. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Hamlin of Columbia, Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of passing a law, providing for the appointment of a jailer in the vacancy of that office, and during the vacancy of the office of Sheriff, with leave & - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

The Speaker announced his appointment of the following joint committees, on the part of the House. viz

On the Judiciary Messrs Boutelle of Waterville Ruggles of Thomaston Clark of Hallowell Smith of Nobleboro Kent of Bangor

On Literature & Literary Institutions Messrs Bourne of Kennebunk Shaw of Wiscasset Cole of Paris

On Incorporation of Towns. Messrs Small of Jay Rideout of Cumberland Powers of Sandford Butterfield of Machias Chamberlain of Ellsworth

On State Lands

Messrs Pond of Bucksport