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Communications in furtherance of this design are respectfully solicited of you at your earliest convenience, and may be addressed to Brev't. Maj--Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, Brunswick, Maine.
Communications in furtherance of this design are respectfully solicited of you at your earliest convenience, and may be addressed to Brev't. Maj--Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, Brunswick, Maine.
Genrl John L. Ho
Genrl John L. Hodsdon{?}
of Maine
A{illegible}: {Genl}[?} of Maine

Revision as of 21:42, 13 April 2017

�Washington, D.C., Aug., 1865 General: A History of the fifth Army Corps is in course of preparation under the direction of a Committee of its late officers. It is designed to make this work authentic, impartial, and thorough; a record not merely of the Corps as a body, but also of the several organizations which have shared its vicissitudes, as well as of individuals who have borne a conspicuous part in its career. Besides official reports and other ordinary data, more particular details--incidents of special services--personal reminiscences--would contribute to the interest and value of the work. Unusual facilities have already been afforded for collecting the requisite material; but it is desired to omit no means of securing every possible advantage in setting forth this Record of the old Fifth Corps.

Communications in furtherance of this design are respectfully solicited of you at your earliest convenience, and may be addressed to Brev't. Maj--Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, Brunswick, Maine.

Genrl John L. Hodsdon{?} A{illegible}: {Genl}[?} of Maine