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(Created page with "r 1961 pn.r1or on L:n.in :,treet ruid later in hot8l .,t 10 Ilriµge Strzet ·working· lone- hourc !~,t :first ~,'.da.rens on ''!n.dtcr.:~ccr, which ijJ. v:Le:r of :u.1.:t0r...")
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
1961 (centered)
pn.r1or on L:n.in :,treet ruid later in hot8l .,t 10 Ilriµge Strzet ·working·
parlor on Main Street and later in hotel at 10 Bridge Street working long hours at first address on Wastemaker, which in view of later work by Ronald Gross, Diter Rot, Ray Johnson, et all on senses, vision, meaning in contemporary communication may well be my major effort. Much correspondence with Dick Higgnis on production of legends. Interviews with local press. Arrnaged to leave for Europe, going north in May via Riviere du loup, bus, down St Lawrence for week in Quebec and artists there, to Montreal for week with possible translators of Miller into French-Canadian, McGill University boarding Norwegian freighter, stopping at head of Saguenay River for aluminum production, hence eastward to Le Harve, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg seeing all museums all stops, wife seriously sprained ankle later requiring a cast on landing in _____ and, Norway. Hence by bus to Oslo, on across Sweden to Stockholm, by boat to Helsinki, by train to Leningrad, by plane to Moscow with much excitment over architecture, books and literatures enroute; space and art developments in Russia . . found seven of my titles in Lenin library, touring same, churches, museums, university, Kremlin, Red Square, etc. Much taken by the Russian culture though seemed to feel daily a hidden repression and control in the air which later turned to a personal fear, releived only by return to Helsinki by train. Scandinavian design, crafts, architecture, excitement. Returned to Stockholm to learn of suicide of Hemingway in famouse Sandgurg's Book store seeing books from Paris including [text crossed out] Obelisk. Much taken with sculpture; Art Techniques in Stockholm library! Interviewed daily by press from here north through Sweden Lapland above Artic Circle, Artic Ocean, Norway writing The Union of Science and Education, Union of Science and Printing, Union of Science and Engineering In Transportation for translation by M. Dalsjo of Solleftea, Sweden. Going north to Kirknes by bus from Narvik, by boat to Vadso and back by boat, bus to Narvik, south to Oslo, south to Copenhagen, around Denmark, back to Goteborg, Sweden for freighter to Brooklyn, N.Y. over Scotland via Orkney Islands, gathering in Goteborg the material which became the summation, psycho-visual, of the summer in Scandinavian Summer, (1961) and Moscow (1966). High point were Machine Art, _ound Art, Diter Rot, stimulation in architecture, design, Dalsjo wanted me to establish Institute of Advanced Thinking in Sweden and I often thought of possible sites in Norway while enroute and the especially no funds to realize the dream. Met with New York artits Ray Johnson, Alison Knowles, Dick Higgins: Parker Tyler refused to see me; Francis _telhoff away. By bus to Canaan, New Hampshire to teach technical writing at the College of Advanced Science. Tried to see Herbert West, but no; relive the influences of Europe and adjust to new ideas now rampent with me. Joined school on dollar an hour salary and great promises: wife to be dean of women, but there were no women students, etc. was fed and housed however in strange atmosphere and arrangement until ______ [blank] for strange unclear reasons just before Xmas holidays. Hitched by truck to Madison Maine where I produced Aphasis, still under influence of summer trip and rebellion against communication, the night mare. Interviewed on trip to Russia and spoke at various clubs while visiting brother Harold. Hence to Everetts in Belfast. Received word of father's death in Rockland, Maine while at Canaan, where lack of funds, connections out to Boston and hence north to Houlton in time for burial beside my sister prevented my attending. Brother Everett became guardian of his affairs.
lone- hourc !~,t :first ~,'.da.rens on ''!n.dtcr.:~ccr, which ijJ. v:Le:r of :u.1.:t0r rrork
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uy no11n..La. uroso, D. t er .L.o,.,, ;-.~.-;/ ·Tomu::on, c., o.J.. 1 on ce~:sos, viuion, meaning
i:·. contc:i~}_jor~.:cy cc:_:..rn_:;. :nic::.tion 1r0.;y ·.-rcll be my r1.Rjor effort .kuch corres:ponde"--.,.cE; w·ith Dick liigg:ni:-J on production of' Legends. Inte1--vie::s with
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Latest revision as of 11:32, 11 March 2019

1961 (centered)

parlor on Main Street and later in hotel at 10 Bridge Street working long hours at first address on Wastemaker, which in view of later work by Ronald Gross, Diter Rot, Ray Johnson, et all on senses, vision, meaning in contemporary communication may well be my major effort. Much correspondence with Dick Higgnis on production of legends. Interviews with local press. Arrnaged to leave for Europe, going north in May via Riviere du loup, bus, down St Lawrence for week in Quebec and artists there, to Montreal for week with possible translators of Miller into French-Canadian, McGill University boarding Norwegian freighter, stopping at head of Saguenay River for aluminum production, hence eastward to Le Harve, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg seeing all museums all stops, wife seriously sprained ankle later requiring a cast on landing in _____ and, Norway. Hence by bus to Oslo, on across Sweden to Stockholm, by boat to Helsinki, by train to Leningrad, by plane to Moscow with much excitment over architecture, books and literatures enroute; space and art developments in Russia . . found seven of my titles in Lenin library, touring same, churches, museums, university, Kremlin, Red Square, etc. Much taken by the Russian culture though seemed to feel daily a hidden repression and control in the air which later turned to a personal fear, releived only by return to Helsinki by train. Scandinavian design, crafts, architecture, excitement. Returned to Stockholm to learn of suicide of Hemingway in famouse Sandgurg's Book store seeing books from Paris including [text crossed out] Obelisk. Much taken with sculpture; Art Techniques in Stockholm library! Interviewed daily by press from here north through Sweden Lapland above Artic Circle, Artic Ocean, Norway writing The Union of Science and Education, Union of Science and Printing, Union of Science and Engineering In Transportation for translation by M. Dalsjo of Solleftea, Sweden. Going north to Kirknes by bus from Narvik, by boat to Vadso and back by boat, bus to Narvik, south to Oslo, south to Copenhagen, around Denmark, back to Goteborg, Sweden for freighter to Brooklyn, N.Y. over Scotland via Orkney Islands, gathering in Goteborg the material which became the summation, psycho-visual, of the summer in Scandinavian Summer, (1961) and Moscow (1966). High point were Machine Art, _ound Art, Diter Rot, stimulation in architecture, design, Dalsjo wanted me to establish Institute of Advanced Thinking in Sweden and I often thought of possible sites in Norway while enroute and the especially no funds to realize the dream. Met with New York artits Ray Johnson, Alison Knowles, Dick Higgins: Parker Tyler refused to see me; Francis _telhoff away. By bus to Canaan, New Hampshire to teach technical writing at the College of Advanced Science. Tried to see Herbert West, but no; relive the influences of Europe and adjust to new ideas now rampent with me. Joined school on dollar an hour salary and great promises: wife to be dean of women, but there were no women students, etc. was fed and housed however in strange atmosphere and arrangement until ______ [blank] for strange unclear reasons just before Xmas holidays. Hitched by truck to Madison Maine where I produced Aphasis, still under influence of summer trip and rebellion against communication, the night mare. Interviewed on trip to Russia and spoke at various clubs while visiting brother Harold. Hence to Everetts in Belfast. Received word of father's death in Rockland, Maine while at Canaan, where lack of funds, connections out to Boston and hence north to Houlton in time for burial beside my sister prevented my attending. Brother Everett became guardian of his affairs.