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(Created page with "1963 (continued) with oelected titles from Linli ted Edi tiona Club. All Lliller materials sold to d.oaler Jin no:m:J,11. in Fort ln.udcrdG.1e. Genern.l houce cleaning or otlw...")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
1963 (continued)
1963 (continued) (centered)
with oelected titles from Linli ted Edi tiona Club. All Lliller materials
sold to d.oaler Jin no:m:J,11. in Fort ln.udcrdG.1e. Genern.l houce cleaning or
otlwr nmterials.Jork conti:nued vrith Hutledge i.'Tith Dales.0orros:pond011 oe
vvitl1 Joh:a L:oore,Cih2.:cles :Bul;:ow:ski,Jack Roth,Hn.nsjoa.chim Dietrich,
~acridnr J3jornsdottir the wife of Diter Rot,D .. von R.Drenner,Christop her
I,:aclo.ino, Jonn.tha:n ·,1i11iallis, Clr,•.rence r.Iajor, 'Jilliam Faulkner(; .• l?. ) , Ana.is
lii:1. '.life h,:">,d :tm:::tec-'c;omy for cancer at Ha.rk.L"1ecs Pavilion. Vfon·c 17i th
I:f n ... ;..;r ,.J. .• ,J.. +. rr.>. Rri"I
..• ~ •
. -.,-·,, 'i;""r,l-"o uO •.. ,~0 l ··--PJ:.!. t·~ ~-,~ on eypor:µ.te ... ,inc c.,•••, u. ro,t a.h,8. 0.1. t"ne wor.n.
•.. .. -·m·'1·1t· ,,. ~ .... "
of ''fill:..ciI·: HGich nt J.::e:ru1ington, Vermont.:/ Visited painter Y..n.nneth Nolan
O.."ld. l.. o.rkr;on cet-up;_; for clouds on ex-f'r:i..rm of ,Robert I';ost;vici ted
:Bl~.:,1.chc Thi:! li:ps P.nd Robert Hovmrd at Upper. Nyack,rogretted not E:eeing
lfiJ.J.j_nn CnrJ oi::: 1Iilliarr1s before his death in llutherf'ord;vini tcd painter
D 1 : ..:ccc.l1£:;;..:leo in l:e•:r _York; renewed_ correcponda::100 rd tl1 'JnJ.ter l.owenfcls
tl'H':J:l ~ .r,.n If:' j ~cling, J: .J e "I •ve Left"fina.J.ly r-.ppea..red nnd widely revie wed;
mr111J/ locnl preoa notes. ReleaaedJ'Oha.rconl D;ra.wings,1935-1937 11 and _
11 Ar~1.,-~. ,:-::-:r:o.~~tcd: 19_ 28-_19_61_ '_'_ ---~-·~_\ _ r· ._e_._--_•·_}3$_Jtl.t of' ~J_•_:i.iJ.l_~--- nt_--_•. fr om __ E_--~_·,_~n6~ _11._1_r_o··-__ . -_._'_•_' c_ut_1c , ·ds••
.. _
Ji~~ ..;).;1: ·nr.,. ' o-'· • 8.1..ro qo.ici')~no.m ~a;.,o.:f" hi ~ J:>ofl1:--f.:- -~a..~ ~ c... l'l e, •
zr'l et'f on l oga~
t·rr..-i~ t;,.. ltJ;y dt'i.-.Lt.iJ n[:/1..:i.rtm.. -"' ;r;[[User:SMathews|SMathews]] ([[User talk:SMathews|talk]])?.l.:9'u,°VI'8'.l'l~-- ~1.rll'L¥;"C' ~r "liO.Vr".:nced ~-icienc~. · -· ···-·, .
with selected titles from Limited Editions Club.  All Miller materials sold to dealer Jim Roman in Fort Lauderdale.  General house cleaning of other materials.  Work continued with Rutledge with sales.  Correspondence with John Moore, Charles Bukowski, Jack Roth, Hansjoachim Dietrich, Sigridur Bjornsdottir the wife of Diter Rot, D. von R. Drenner, Christopher Maclaine, Jonathan Williams, Clarence Major, William Faulkner (S.F.), Anais Nin.  Wife had mastectomy for cancer at Harkness Pavilion.  Went with Harry Kiakis to see Ralph Markson experimenting as a retake of the work of Wilheim Reich at Bennington, Vermont.  Visited painter Kenneth Nolan and Markson set-ups for clouds on ex-farm of Robert Frost; visited Blanche Phillips and Robert Howard at Upper Nyack, regretted not seeing William Carlos Williams before his death in Rutherford; visited painter D'Arcangeleo in New York; renewed correspondence with Walter Lowenfels then _an's Landing, H.J. "I've Left" finally appeared and widely reviewed; many local press notes.  Released "Charcoal Drawings, 1935-1937" and "Art Assorted: 1928-1961" as a result of shipment from Maine.  Also "Cutcards" by Diter Rot; also sold copies of his books, 3a, 3c, AC.  Carried on legal suits by mail against Frane Snyder and College of Advanced Science.
..:. .;.},;~s~ir!.: · . .• _.· . : . .. .. "' . .·.
1964 (centered)
e . r _
Confined by wife's operation busy year continues with "A Book About Death" by Ray Johnson; "The Exciting, Igniting World of Art" by Jack Roth; "Yvor Winters" by Harry Bowden; plus the tiles mentioned above started in 1963; plus "What Henry Miller Said."  Contract of Federal's completed and was laid off with twenty minutes notice on June 18. Registered with Technical Associates, Mobilized as contributing member (TEAM); interviewed in New York hotel for space work, said to be in physics research . . . my first since 1945 . . at Huntsville, Alabama to begin July 6, 1964 but third day on job showed there was no physics but really a vast WPA for scientific people bound mainly in the wrong direction as man's most immediate needs are under the sea.  Possessions from Waldwick by truck caught afire, expenses and security of monthly check forced stay amid people who took us outsiders, foreigners, northerns with all the accompanying exploitation and boom town costs.  Registered with International Executive Service Corps.  Extensive, super investigation begins now into my life and wife's, never to cease it seems, by assorted agencies, churches, informers of all types, including the next-door neighbors.  First months especially trying.  Correspondence with Eli Siegel, New York; Kenneth Beaudoin, Memphis, inviting him over and threatening to go there but didn't.
. .·_ •. ·_
. . _· · •..·
9165 (centered)
Investigations finally cleared on March 18 when another secret clearance was granted by the Eastern Contract Management Region at Olmsted Air Force Base, Pennsylvania. Gaps in non-science and double life with literature coming to surface though many technical documents appeared under name with co-workers including "Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle instrumentation and Data System Criteria"; "Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle Data Reduction and Correlation Requirements"; "Saturn V Dynamic Test Program Requirements". Bay Area Creators: 1945-1965 appeared; also What Henry Miller Said with B.P. illustrations and limited to 90 copies. Likewise Art Productions: 1928-1965 dedicated to associate, photographer and painter and close friend Harry Bowden who died suddenly this year in Sausalito (Dec?). Sent to UCLA the folder MY LIFE In NEW HAMPSHIRE covering the fantastic legal suits by mail from Waldwick in which cases were carried to supreme court of the state for wages, unemployment payments, failure of their labor boards, etc. . all without going to New Hampshire. . or how to be a lawyer and stay home. Ads now appearing on B.P. Books at Huntsville, drawing mss mostly n.g.; ads for
Confined by vrife ~.f':. ope~;J:j.t!>~ _busy 'yeFl.r conti11;'\1f!G with n A Eook;;·;
About Den.th fl by Ray,J~lm.a9n;~H!l).<if Exc·iting,Igniting Yforld of Artl' by >
Jack .Hoth; 11 Yvor.W[[User:SMathews|SMathews]] ([[User talk:SMathews|talk]])j~9:"p~ J{ar:tey J3owden;p1un the tilcc :montiolled a.bo'tfe
stn.rted in. l$63;piµs\!lf/h...i;.'t Henry :Miller fin.id. 11 Contractof :S'edornJ_ •s
·completdcl a.."'.l.d wa.s;ta.1;cloff<With twenty minutes notice _on Jv.ne 18. _ ...-•
Rogir;torccl with\!I'eplu.ji.9~.1 .Associnteo, ILobilizod as cont1--:i..bu.ting member
(TEAl:);intervj,ewti'~ :i.li.(fevr York hotel for r.rpace v1orlr, onid to be: i:q.
phy(;:i..cs research:_.... my ~ir~t uince 1945 •• at Htur~oville, Alabaw.a. to begin
July''6, 1964:'.b\lt tl'l.ird dny on job r::ho~i1ea. there was no phyf.·ics bu:t; really
a vast -Jfj?A fpr scientific people bo1.u1.d r.r.ninly in_ the wrong direction _ . _·
as .man •s moE.rt immediate needs are under the sea.J?ossecsions from Waldvtiok
. by tru¢k ce:nght afire,e:xpcnces and E,ecu.rity of' 1;10.nth1y chGck :forced. stay
Q.mid J:?eople WJ10 took Uf:l OUti::ddern, for<:4gncrs, northerns Vvi th nll the _-·. ._•--·
accompo,1:iying exploitation and boom town costs.HegisterGd with Internat:Lpna.:
_Jtxccuti-ve·<:.>crvicc Corps. };xtennivc, r-,u:per inventicn.tion becino l10VI_ intor.r.
my life t1J1.d wife 's,:never to cease it seens,by acsorte.a. agencien, c.J1urche11.,). ;
µifomers of all types,including the ne:;:t-door neighbors. :i-'irpt months ;.<;-{
e¢pooin.11y tr;ting. Correcpondence with Eli f:,iegel, New York;Kcnne;·~h , 'i .
l3enuclo$..'1,Lle:m.phiG, inviting lriin over and threa:tening ·to go there but didn 1 t;f
1965 ,
_ _ - ' , , , . : , : . , . : , : , . _ _ . •• •' . · - :
Inver:d;igatio:nc: :f:'im:i.lly clenred on Lio.rch 1.8 wlien n.nothor necret
clonrn.ncc vms grm1ted by the }:c.:::c,tern Contrn.ct I!fru1agorneri:t; Rncio:h at
Q11.:1c·t;cQ Air l~orcc Ease, 1,mu""l..:::.rlva:nia.. Gn.ps in non-::.cie:ncc and double
li!e vri~h l~t~rnt::-re .. ?~~il:lg ~o ~ur:fa?e J~10~~1i!AM~h.Jie,tui~.R~i~OT~tent~
eo-.wG).rke::cs.,.~C,L1)rJ::u'l.O' ·
.t.: •
V~u1~'"'fJ,1:'en unb'l.i{r, r.m:..,..f'!. ·\'l':1_ c;4,1a. .,JdvT~ ·'.Y"lirnll v!':t1,0':e1a 11 ;- ' ".. ,nuura:n V .;.,ynf.U-li.C .
"".-",,;.[,'t';_t; :tll1TO.rt,de".'1th... vl.On , .....
Test Vchiclte Da:t;a f(eduction and Correlation Requirement$"; 'l. nturri .v .
D;y:nr.i~:ic '?or:;t r:·ro&x·~1n Eequireme:ats 11 • .:Say P. rea Crea."corG:1945-1965 n.ppeared;
e.lno ),1mt Hcm.ry !1Iiller ~:3?.id with B.P. _
illustr0.tio118: B.nd limited to 90
COJ?i0s .). ilrnwise 1\:Rt i-'~oduc-'~iono: 1920-1965 dedicated ·co.. azcociatc,
photogrA.pher \r?.nd. pnintor ~..nd. olose friend Jfo,rr-.f :eowdcn who died cuddenly
thic ycn.r in Sau.r:.~lito . ("DiJc'? )\. -ent· to UCLA the folder l,IY LI}?E In
. ·
t J.,}:':f HAIP:·J-fIHE covering the fan"castic legal suits by mail from 'Jaldwick
in r:hich en.cos were carried to supreme court of. the ntatc f'oi~ rra.ges,
v.ncm:pl.oym.ent pn.ymcn.ts, f'ailure o:f their labor boards, etc •• all ,tri thov.t
going to new Hampshire •• or hmv to be a lavcyer and stay home. Ads now
appen.rL"lg on B .. :e •. books o.t Huntsyille, d;rawing. JJ.SS mostly n.g.;ads.:f"or

Latest revision as of 12:07, 11 March 2019

1963 (continued) (centered)

with selected titles from Limited Editions Club. All Miller materials sold to dealer Jim Roman in Fort Lauderdale. General house cleaning of other materials. Work continued with Rutledge with sales. Correspondence with John Moore, Charles Bukowski, Jack Roth, Hansjoachim Dietrich, Sigridur Bjornsdottir the wife of Diter Rot, D. von R. Drenner, Christopher Maclaine, Jonathan Williams, Clarence Major, William Faulkner (S.F.), Anais Nin. Wife had mastectomy for cancer at Harkness Pavilion. Went with Harry Kiakis to see Ralph Markson experimenting as a retake of the work of Wilheim Reich at Bennington, Vermont. Visited painter Kenneth Nolan and Markson set-ups for clouds on ex-farm of Robert Frost; visited Blanche Phillips and Robert Howard at Upper Nyack, regretted not seeing William Carlos Williams before his death in Rutherford; visited painter D'Arcangeleo in New York; renewed correspondence with Walter Lowenfels then _an's Landing, H.J. "I've Left" finally appeared and widely reviewed; many local press notes. Released "Charcoal Drawings, 1935-1937" and "Art Assorted: 1928-1961" as a result of shipment from Maine. Also "Cutcards" by Diter Rot; also sold copies of his books, 3a, 3c, AC. Carried on legal suits by mail against Frane Snyder and College of Advanced Science.

1964 (centered)

Confined by wife's operation busy year continues with "A Book About Death" by Ray Johnson; "The Exciting, Igniting World of Art" by Jack Roth; "Yvor Winters" by Harry Bowden; plus the tiles mentioned above started in 1963; plus "What Henry Miller Said." Contract of Federal's completed and was laid off with twenty minutes notice on June 18. Registered with Technical Associates, Mobilized as contributing member (TEAM); interviewed in New York hotel for space work, said to be in physics research . . . my first since 1945 . . at Huntsville, Alabama to begin July 6, 1964 but third day on job showed there was no physics but really a vast WPA for scientific people bound mainly in the wrong direction as man's most immediate needs are under the sea. Possessions from Waldwick by truck caught afire, expenses and security of monthly check forced stay amid people who took us outsiders, foreigners, northerns with all the accompanying exploitation and boom town costs. Registered with International Executive Service Corps. Extensive, super investigation begins now into my life and wife's, never to cease it seems, by assorted agencies, churches, informers of all types, including the next-door neighbors. First months especially trying. Correspondence with Eli Siegel, New York; Kenneth Beaudoin, Memphis, inviting him over and threatening to go there but didn't.

9165 (centered) Investigations finally cleared on March 18 when another secret clearance was granted by the Eastern Contract Management Region at Olmsted Air Force Base, Pennsylvania. Gaps in non-science and double life with literature coming to surface though many technical documents appeared under name with co-workers including "Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle instrumentation and Data System Criteria"; "Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle Data Reduction and Correlation Requirements"; "Saturn V Dynamic Test Program Requirements". Bay Area Creators: 1945-1965 appeared; also What Henry Miller Said with B.P. illustrations and limited to 90 copies. Likewise Art Productions: 1928-1965 dedicated to associate, photographer and painter and close friend Harry Bowden who died suddenly this year in Sausalito (Dec?). Sent to UCLA the folder MY LIFE In NEW HAMPSHIRE covering the fantastic legal suits by mail from Waldwick in which cases were carried to supreme court of the state for wages, unemployment payments, failure of their labor boards, etc. . all without going to New Hampshire. . or how to be a lawyer and stay home. Ads now appearing on B.P. Books at Huntsville, drawing mss mostly n.g.; ads for