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   "It ls being done today, just as always but perhaps a little more carefully," she says.  "That's why the recipes in  
   "It ls being done today, just as always but perhaps a little more carefully," she says.  "That's why the recipes in  
"COOKING DOWN, EAST" have definite amounts, speclflc temperatures and times,  a help  especially to young cooks".
"COOKING DOWN, EAST" have definite amounts, speclflc temperatures and times,  a help  especially to young cooks".
  From the print shop "Cooking Down East" will be forwarded  to Clinton, Mass., where the Journals's order of 5000 copies will be bound in attractive cloth covers.
  From the print shop "Cooking Down East" will be forwarded  to Clinton, Mass., where the Journals's order of 5000 copies will be bound in attractive cloth
RESERVATIONS[BOLD] WILL[BOLD] be accepted immediately, These
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: the5' are received ordtr
: the5' are received ordtr

Revision as of 21:40, 10 March 2017

Maine Sunday Telegram, November 17, 1968

Cookbook Is Now Reality for Telegram Columnist

AUGUSTA - Marjorie Standish, popular Maien Sunday Telegram cooking columnist, had a new experience last week.

 After producing "Cooking Down East" for more than 20 years, she watched early chapters of her first hard-cover 

cookbook start rolling from the presses at the Kennebec Journal Print Shop.

 The book is also titled "Cooking Downeast."  Every effort is being made to have it available before Christmas.
 THIS NEW COOKBOOK[bold] will be distributed by the Malne Sunday Telegram as a public service. The accompanying coupon will facllitate advance  reservations.
 Marjorie says her cookbook is the answer to queries from "Cooking Down East" fans who have been asking when she was going to have one publlshed.
 "Some of the recipes I learned from my mother, who got

them from her mother." she says. "Others came from family members, friends, and acquaintances. Many were used in cooking schools which I conducted for the Central Maine Power Co.. And of course, there are scores that have come from my column's friends all over Maine.

MARJORIE STANDISH is the type of cook who believes that when a Mainer thinks of apple pie, he sets his belt forward a notch.

 "It ls being done today, just as always but perhaps a little more carefully," she says.  "That's why the recipes in 

"COOKING DOWN, EAST" have definite amounts, speclflc temperatures and times, a help especially to young cooks".

 From the print shop "Cooking Down East" will be forwarded  to Clinton, Mass., where the Journals's order of 5000 copies will be bound in attractive cloth covers.

RESERVATIONS[BOLD] WILL[BOLD] be accepted immediately, These ~---.._... ,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 1 be processed in the and

the5' are received ordtr

1 as the first shipment ..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip_ _ _ _ • accompanying the bin _

ceived from

coup .~ your convenience.