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furlough, threw the Regt. will his
furlough, threw the Regt. will his
relunico from a great evil, for
relunico from a great evil, for
these men were not only a burden
but they apprectice the will by their
complaints and doleful foredone
I really hope that no man men

Revision as of 15:49, 4 May 2020

Fort Corcoran Arlington Heights Washington D.C.

Mr Derder,

The remains of the 2nd Regt. begin to look more prosperous then when I last wrote you - They have moved into a new place, part of the them are in the Fort, tho lenges part outside They have the change of the Fort to will probably be Stationed tho Lone him, at last, notice these ranks, an filed, of the invalidy have returned to this duty, many will have to be dis charge for incurable causes, and others will be allowed a furlough, threw the Regt. will his relunico from a great evil, for these men were not only a burden but they apprectice the will by their complaints and doleful foredone I really hope that no man men