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Hon'ble William Phillips Esq Moderator
His Honor Thomas Cushing Esq
Hon Jeremiah Powell Esq SN Gowen Brown Rev Sn
Lothrop agent for SN Cheekley, Col Josiah Waters
SN Jonathan Webb + John Avery jun
Voted to Call a new meeting of the Proprietors of a
certain Tract of Land Laying in the Province of Maine
holden under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston
deceased for the purpose of transacting certain Matters
mentioned in an Act passed the General Court the 30th
of October last --
Voted That a Committee be appointed to consider the
purposes necessary to call a meeting of the Proprietors
of the Land aforesaid and that his Honor Thomas
Cushing Esq Col Josiah Waters be and hereby are
appointed a Committee for this Purpose
Voted that Sewall Esq surveyor of York be and
hereby is appointed aSurveyor of the Land
Voted that the Clerk of this Propriety desire the
Attendance of judge Sewall at the next adjournment
Voted to adjourn to Tuesday the 19th of Nov! Ins!
Then to meet at the Coffee House in Boston at 6 OClock
P.M. and said meeting is accordingly adjourned
                                                      John Avery jun Prop. Clerk

Revision as of 13:48, 29 May 2020

� Present Hon'ble William Phillips Esq Moderator His Honor Thomas Cushing Esq Hon Jeremiah Powell Esq SN Gowen Brown Rev Sn Lothrop agent for SN Cheekley, Col Josiah Waters SN Jonathan Webb + John Avery jun

Voted to Call a new meeting of the Proprietors of a certain Tract of Land Laying in the Province of Maine holden under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased for the purpose of transacting certain Matters mentioned in an Act passed the General Court the 30th of October last -- Voted That a Committee be appointed to consider the purposes necessary to call a meeting of the Proprietors of the Land aforesaid and that his Honor Thomas Cushing Esq Col Josiah Waters be and hereby are appointed a Committee for this Purpose Voted that Sewall Esq surveyor of York be and hereby is appointed aSurveyor of the Land aforesaid Voted that the Clerk of this Propriety desire the Attendance of judge Sewall at the next adjournment

Voted to adjourn to Tuesday the 19th of Nov! Ins! Then to meet at the Coffee House in Boston at 6 OClock P.M. and said meeting is accordingly adjourned

                                                      John Avery jun Prop. Clerk