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�137 [in upper right corner]
�137 [in upper right corner]
I went to the city, and to the patent[?] offise
I went to the city, and to the patent office and got lunch at noon.  We were transferred to the main Lincoln hospital in the P.M.
and got levels[?] at noon.  We were transferred[?]
I was put in the 4th tent.   
to the main Lincoln hospital in the P.M.
26th I got a letter from home. The Sergeant in
I was put in the 4th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] pressilian[?} 37th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline]  tent.   
charge of this ward belongs to the 1st ME Veterans.
26th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] I got ..letter from home. The Sergean in
charge of [there is a caret mark indicating insert] this [written above the next word and above the caret] house[?] / [?] belongs to the 1st [the "st" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] free[?} Vetrans
He studied medicine with Dr. Baxter of
He studied medicine with Dr. Baxter of
Kenduskeag Me, and his name is Roberts.
Kenduskeag Me, and his name is Roberts.
27th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] News came that Booth has been killed and
27th News came that Booth has been killed and
bret[?] to this city. [a bit of a scribble] He was caught somewhere in Maryland.
brought to this city. He was caught somewhere in Maryland.
28th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] Booth was shot at 15 minutes passed 3 oclock
28th Booth was shot at 15 minutes passed 3 o'clock
tuesday morning the inst [?] and died at 10 minutes passed 7 oclock the same morning. A man by
Tuesday morning the inst [?] and died at 10 minutes passed 7 o'clock the same morning. A man by
the name of Harrala [?] was taken prisoner after
the name of Harrold was taken prisoner after
Booth was shot and is now in custody in this city.
Booth was shot and is now in custody in this city.
I was down town on a pass, went to the capital,  
I was down town on a pass, went to the capital,  
Washingtons monument and and the patent offise.
Washington's monument and and the patent office.
29th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline]  It is ordered that the volunteers in the field
29th It is ordered that the volunteers in the field
and all men in hospitals not under medical treat [line break, work continues on the next line]
and all men in hospitals not under medical treatment are to be discharged, by an order from the war department.
-ment are to be discharged, by an order from
30th We were mustered at 11 o'clock A.M.
the war department
Just one month since I was wounded.
30th [the "th" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] We were mustered at[or out?] 11 oclock A.M.
May 1st G W Faenls [?] and I went down town to see Col Gilmar in the evening. The comsti [illigeible and cut off. bottom right corner of page is missing.]
Just one month since Bmasmarended [somewhat illegible]
May 1st [the "st" is raised with a line under it and a low double quotation-like mark under the underline] G W Faenls [?] and I went down town
to see Col Gilmar in the evening. The comsti [illigeible and cut off. bottom right corner of page is missing.]
is Auges[? illegible]
is Auges[? illegible]

Revision as of 22:20, 19 March 2017

�137 [in upper right corner] I went to the city, and to the patent office and got lunch at noon. We were transferred to the main Lincoln hospital in the P.M. I was put in the 4th tent. 26th I got a letter from home. The Sergeant in charge of this ward belongs to the 1st ME Veterans. He studied medicine with Dr. Baxter of Kenduskeag Me, and his name is Roberts. 27th News came that Booth has been killed and brought to this city. He was caught somewhere in Maryland. 28th Booth was shot at 15 minutes passed 3 o'clock Tuesday morning the inst [?] and died at 10 minutes passed 7 o'clock the same morning. A man by the name of Harrold was taken prisoner after Booth was shot and is now in custody in this city. I was down town on a pass, went to the capital, Washington's monument and and the patent office. 29th It is ordered that the volunteers in the field and all men in hospitals not under medical treatment are to be discharged, by an order from the war department. 30th We were mustered at 11 o'clock A.M. Just one month since I was wounded. May 1st G W Faenls [?] and I went down town to see Col Gilmar in the evening. The comsti [illigeible and cut off. bottom right corner of page is missing.] is Auges[? illegible]