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�REsolve on the report of Alexander Campbell & others
A. Committee in behalf ["in behalf" inserted] of this Commonwealth to negotiate & Settle
any Misunderstanding or diference with the passama-
=quody [Passamaquoddy] Indians and those of the other Tribes connected
with them [line] Feby. 10 [line] 1795 [line]
Whereas by a resolve of the General Court passed on the 26th
day of June last Alexander Campbell, John Allan and
George Stillman were appointed a Committee on behalf
of this Commonwealth to negotiate & Settle any misunderstand
=ing, dispute or diferance which may Subsist between this
Commonwealth & the passmaquody Indians + those of other
Tribes connected with them with full power & authority
to lay out & assign to the said Indians any Tracts of unlocated
land belonging to this Commonwealth in the County of Wash-
=ington, not exceeding Four Thousand Acres, and also to pur-
=chase any particular spot of Ground or tract of Land
for the use & convenience of said Indians provided however
that Such purchase shall not exceed the sum of Five
Hundred Pounds. [line]
And whereas the Said Committee have Exhibited to the General

Revision as of 17:41, 21 June 2017

�REsolve on the report of Alexander Campbell & others A. Committee in behalf ["in behalf" inserted] of this Commonwealth to negotiate & Settle any Misunderstanding or diference with the passama- =quody [Passamaquoddy] Indians and those of the other Tribes connected with them [line] Feby. 10 [line] 1795 [line] Whereas by a resolve of the General Court passed on the 26th day of June last Alexander Campbell, John Allan and George Stillman were appointed a Committee on behalf of this Commonwealth to negotiate & Settle any misunderstand =ing, dispute or diferance which may Subsist between this Commonwealth & the passmaquody Indians + those of other Tribes connected with them with full power & authority to lay out & assign to the said Indians any Tracts of unlocated land belonging to this Commonwealth in the County of Wash- =ington, not exceeding Four Thousand Acres, and also to pur- =chase any particular spot of Ground or tract of Land for the use & convenience of said Indians provided however that Such purchase shall not exceed the sum of Five Hundred Pounds. [line] And whereas the Said Committee have Exhibited to the General