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[illegible] received from Government up to January 1st/1863
Forage Caps. 2
Hats 1
Overcoats 1
Blouses 2
Shirts                    5
Jackets                1
Paints: pairs        4
Drawers "            4
[illegible] "            1
Boots "                2
shoes "                1
Blanket                1
Clothing received from Government since Jan 1st 1863
Pants "pairs"      1
Forage Caps "  1
Bouses              1
Pants pair          1

Revision as of 18:38, 5 September 2017

Memoranda MEMORANDA. [illegible] received from Government up to January 1st/1863 Forage Caps. 2 Hats 1 Overcoats 1 Blouses 2 Shirts 5 Jackets 1 Paints: pairs 4 Drawers " 4 [illegible] " 1 Boots " 2 shoes " 1 Blanket 1

Clothing received from Government since Jan 1st 1863 Pants "pairs" 1 Forage Caps " 1 Bouses 1 Pants pair 1