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(Created page with "KENNETH ROBERTS KENNEBUNKPO RT MAINE I -_,,;· December 16, 1950 Mrs. Hilda MtccLeod Jacob 1vta1 rie State Library Augustr, Maine Dea,r Mrs. Jacob: . ~ WM ~v~ ai;;g ~...")
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December 16, 1950
Mrs. Hilda MacLeod Jacob
Maine State Library
Augusta, Maine
16, 1950
Mrs. Hilda MtccLeod Jacob
1vta1 rie State Library
Augustr, Maine
Dea,r Mrs. Jacob:
Dea,r Mrs. Jacob:
. ~ WM
Yes: that was too high. [1 line handwritten after salutation]
~v~ ai;;g
~ k.~
I have a big vellum copy of the grant made in 1631 to Robert Trelawny and Moses Goodyear, original signed by Ferdinand and Edward Gorges and the Earl of Warwick. The grant was for Casco Bay and thence northward "into the Maine Land". It's giant folio, and the copy was made in 1768. If the Maine State Library can afford to have this framed and put to use, I'll make it a present of the grant.
vellt.illl copy oftl-~; 6 rant made in
Will you help me get some information? I found, some time ago, that C. A. Stephens titles, When Life Was Young [title underlined] and the other three of the Old Squire's [title underlined] titles, are today unobtainable. Huston says he has lots of calls for them, but can't get them. I advertised in the Publishers Weekly, but got no offers.
1631 to Robert Trelawny and Moses lioodyear, oric..Lnal si 6 ned
bJ Ferdinand and Edward Gorges and tne Earl of Warwick. The
grant was for Cosco Bs.y and thenc?. nortl'1ward "i11to the Maine
Land". It's giant folio, s.nd the COJJY was made in 1768. If
the Maine State Library can afford to have this framed and
,mt to use, I'll J1ake it a µresent of t.r1e grant.
Will you hel J me 6 et some information' ? I
found, some time a 6 o, th,,,t C. A. ~teJhens titles, when Life
Was Yo'..l.n 0 and the other three of tr1e Old Sau.ire I s titles,
are toa.ay unobtainabl e. Huston says he has lots of calls
for them, but can't t;et them. I advertised in the Publishers
Wee~ly, but got no offers.
So I !Jro,Josed to Dou bl ecla:/ that 1m try to get
the rit>hts, and re,mblish tne four Old Squire titles u..."l.der
one cover with an introciuctio n by ne. This su1:, 6 estion is
still cooking.
l'lhat I'd lik~ to l1ave .·oJ. find out for me is
wri et:'ler t:1ere is a con tinuint; c,:: 11 for tnese books in your
library, in tr·,e Bangor LibrarJ, end in other Maine librc.,ries.
KR: 1'11\1
So I proposed to Doubleday that we try to get the rights, and republish the four Old Squire titles under one cover with an introduction by me. This suggestion is still cooking.
What I'd like to have you find out for me is whether there is a continuing call for these books in your library, in the Bangor Library, and in other Maine libraries.
---------- ---------- -----~-
Kenneth Roberts [signature]

Latest revision as of 20:01, 5 January 2018


December 16, 1950

Mrs. Hilda MacLeod Jacob Maine State Library Augusta, Maine

Dea,r Mrs. Jacob:

Yes: that was too high. [1 line handwritten after salutation]

I have a big vellum copy of the grant made in 1631 to Robert Trelawny and Moses Goodyear, original signed by Ferdinand and Edward Gorges and the Earl of Warwick. The grant was for Casco Bay and thence northward "into the Maine Land". It's giant folio, and the copy was made in 1768. If the Maine State Library can afford to have this framed and put to use, I'll make it a present of the grant.

Will you help me get some information? I found, some time ago, that C. A. Stephens titles, When Life Was Young [title underlined] and the other three of the Old Squire's [title underlined] titles, are today unobtainable. Huston says he has lots of calls for them, but can't get them. I advertised in the Publishers Weekly, but got no offers.

So I proposed to Doubleday that we try to get the rights, and republish the four Old Squire titles under one cover with an introduction by me. This suggestion is still cooking.

What I'd like to have you find out for me is whether there is a continuing call for these books in your library, in the Bangor Library, and in other Maine libraries.

Sincerely, Kenneth Roberts [signature]