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�Division Orders,
the 8th Divison Militia
The serious aspect of our public affairs, at the present eventful crisis! [?] renders it peculiarly expedient and proper, that the Militia, the great constitutional Palla-dium of our national security, should be immediately put into a state of active preparation, as efficient in all essential respects, as the situation of the country and the existing circumstances of it's inhabitants will permit.  And, as a series of events, not unusual in a Militia constituted like our own, have recently operated a partial derangement, in various parts of the Division, the Major General expects and requires that, the Coloniels [?] and Commanding Officers of Regiments and Corps, will immediately make proper returns, of the names of all such persons as have been elected to offices, but, who are not commissioned; and also, the like returns of all existing vacancies in their Regiments and Corps respectively, from whatever causes the same may have arisen, in order that such

Revision as of 16:44, 12 March 2017

�Division Orders, the 8th Divison Militia The serious aspect of our public affairs, at the present eventful crisis! [?] renders it peculiarly expedient and proper, that the Militia, the great constitutional Palla-dium of our national security, should be immediately put into a state of active preparation, as efficient in all essential respects, as the situation of the country and the existing circumstances of it's inhabitants will permit. And, as a series of events, not unusual in a Militia constituted like our own, have recently operated a partial derangement, in various parts of the Division, the Major General expects and requires that, the Coloniels [?] and Commanding Officers of Regiments and Corps, will immediately make proper returns, of the names of all such persons as have been elected to offices, but, who are not commissioned; and also, the like returns of all existing vacancies in their Regiments and Corps respectively, from whatever causes the same may have arisen, in order that such