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(Created page with ". .... In Janun.ry by bus from .Eli.fast to !few ·York n.nd by plane to Puerto _Rico in the eccn.pe p~.tte:rn (going to Gurm1,eoin e; to Aur:trnlia ),t::ettiri.s job !'!'~t S...")
Line 1: Line 1:
. .... In Janun.ry by bus from .Eli.fast to !few ·York n.nd by plane to Puerto
1962 (centered)
_Rico in the eccn.pe p~.tte:rn (going to Gurm1,eoin e; to Aur:trnlia ),t::ettiri.s
job !'!'~t San Juan to tc0.ch e:n;S1ifJh in the interior at C:?.ctc:.-:er .Often recall
.!lQW five ycHr:: l<1.tcr. the crcn.t ].Jef'..ce of not being ~nveetiga ted, quizzed,
exe...rnined, clarJsifieL1 ., trapped, gori8i]'.}ed about, :the same from the native
:peoplec a..11.d a fevr mainl::i.11ders from The Chri :-:ti&."l J3rothers. Jungle gro?tth,
i;Jpountnin o :proc1uccd "the asrth.ina of G-ue.rn PJ'ld strc.in fi·om my T'orter uncles
forclimg fact d.q,8.Jture aft;er r:dx weeks by pln.ne to Iilinmi after tryine to
a~e 1!:JJ1:.er ..... , hi::; book rZJ.Uf:HYWU f'or the }?trnrto }~icnn Govermaen t in ,~:.rui Juan,
h~_tJ:-imi dj:tbmg o.:nd P. fine rn.en:!.ory from 1::y clP-yc in r·r:i.nceton durine the war.
Li·ved in a super chea:p, bug ridden dive hotel P.t 120 North Eant 6th ~.:treet ,
i'rom Jr.11u.o..ry 25 to Ju.n.e 18 goine out d~.iJ.y v·i::i 11resn pass to the great .. I
fQ,j::.i:r.cy of' !l.1 .cr:!.c~.:>1. cuJ.t·nre., tho cm:1.ventio n route,Ei:rru nj,,t'.in.ni Ber.ch..
!°,?~-~-. D}1~~e:fS'-I);Q~T~ns, ~1"~.~ . OJ~ t~1~ CU.I! 7 l\.(l.'!tp.:t:•od /Iol~y;rood agen1
111.t .... ..,_, ..,c, .. ~1.:J.1.1 ..... ·.,1.t.t:.,C .,.J..L, .•• c ...... o.... ..,30,, or uh Lol.i.,.rood .rho $.¢>Jd. r..,fl:r:.y of :rriy
I •
• •.
CQlJO:I:lCrCJ.P,.i HT"C.J.C .. 88 b
JE'oe.'J.'.11.lll.Hg :tn l nrch or f'O ~.J."l.Q 021 ,l,'t . . .
li.nrOU{s.1.1 to t:i5 1 a
pleai-m.:n.t co21rtec·I,io n vro..nin.g muchly though in Hu.ntDvilJ. e ;,..tnd.er other
prern:::uror:.Acc;_·.lir·c<l r1n:ny glocwy print })hoto0 nr: n. :prGf':O lt.::cnt, :·)~;me to ,be- come pnrt of' ln.ter creri:tive \7ork. for Dick Hi&:gine, et. r-i.l.pl:u.s inte;r.er-rt in J
sron.e .P.s ~:i iicu.iu.m o:f v,orking ·. out ere a ti v-e. id.er:rn ••• e2.riier . convei ved ¢.uring '
Circle days. I:ir'li8X'Vit:Nrnd i:n Llio.r.1i by J?ode;i:-n.l \loctrj.c Coi1 loratiio11 for a
'job neP,r Atlc;n-cic Ci t~r v1hich \70U.ld Uf3e. nome phynic::: n.:n.d.. oxp2rio:nc es v7i th
CollinG Haclio in Venezuela. P...nd Civil Aeronu.n.t ics in Ala::ika.'..le nt north on
'''"110.~.. ."10·...._ _ n . _~. -'-~- " 1· C· C· i· t· ti . Ct.......... d·; ;J .......
n + ~.t:1 "".,,l.r. ._·
. .,. . < '.l1n , ... e· ·'c11"' r·i a"' C·· C n. r c~
?: r,
.J..U "Ot r.,'. . . . •"v'.· O·· r.t :' . 11· - ... . '
_ .. ._
took the opport1.1..nity to be a t;rnirdng. opecir-1.J.is t f\1i the l'o.rnr.111.::1 pJ.Bnt,
com."!lttting daily ·from nearby Wal.d,11ick.l Pi~et 'income. in :four yer:trG 8.nd
beginning 0£ a rich crer'..tive l)qriod. +~?;t:il1€ thro1.~h to J\u1e 19Gtr (fror:i
June 1962). Collected work done :f'or-C±rpJ. ~ ;l:P,.der ,ti tlc Circle:
Rep:rod.u.c tiono o:f Art Work, 194ti-...1947.Woi-JtEf~,'T~;th John Moore on his
Longitude uncllr1titu de of ·Heney litille:r,'IJ.W.L,l:f: ·· ~"'li, o:f Ifon:cy being u.sed •
. Riacoi vecl i.."YJ. the :fD,11 one dollar, shoes;coa:fJ{'. :11, ,,~~- ,1')40~9?, ri, clin.ry :from
the ,vi11 nnd' e~ta.te of rny father. l3~gan c[[User:SMathews|SMathews]] ([[User talk:SMathews|talk]])W~~ ,,11C¢~jji th J3ro7r.n, Yale,
and ., ;,1.f;Cv.m 01"' I:odern Which later xe.eµli;~d.} ~li ..... ,,,.,, '.),.f ~'t';.~rJ;.er ,rbeing
acquired by .their li1Jl"aries •.. J)gan col.lerru;-b~\-t,tJ •P.<>il.'byJ.;n(l•p.pntinuec1 one
as the master n.t UCLA. ViBits to Ee\] York·li~lip M'.;,iiiet',f [[User:SMathews|SMathews]] ([[User talk:SMathews|talk]]).>·Bro, ;n1 of
Int;;:cc:ol1 cgiatc .r'\.lm::.11i cln.;yo n.nd revini ted cites a.l/ong:l,tuc1pQl'l Jliver.
He8.Y;'" T!lf"l,i1 for 13.1' •.Books seeming to revive o.nd. co11.tinued. VJ'ith Ru:t;le(lge on
occ?,:.·olon al, oven runazing Enlc!:rnte rvievred frequentl y 'by J.oca1 prese;beg an .
\vork on the mos v,hich would cover the :fa::r'i; trip to Hev1:f'oundl a.nd in 1~60 .
for f.r:srica.:1 ~3pecch r.nd CoJ:um.biA. m.'liversi ty.Inotru. ction at PeclDral Electric
invol"tcd tr2.:Lni11g ·:rnrbJri:·, inctri.llerD , opcra:torB for the '. .. trn:1:iegic J\.ir Comm.an,
of U. ':::. Air 1.i·o:rce with 1.1...'1c.1.orgro1..1...11d bases at. bases thllo1..1.ghout the country.
Con~dderi ng my wn.2.r of lif'c ovor the years--m'.'i.Ii over :plen.ned wit~ A. secret
clee.rance granted by the I~rt; Army of New York. on novemeber 21, 1962
In January by bus from Belfast to New York and by plane to Puerto Rico in the escape pattern (going to Guam, going to Australia), getting job at San Juan to teach english in the interior at Castener. Often recall now five years later the great peace of not being investigated, quizzed, examined, classified, trapped, gossiped about, the same from the native peoples and a few mainlanders from The Christian Brothers. Jungle growth, mountains produced the asthma of Guam and strain from my Porter uncles forcing fast departure after six weeks by plane to Miami after trying to see Elmer . . . . , his book museum for the Puerto Rican Government in San Juan, he then [illegible] and a fine memory from my days in Princeton during the war. Lived in a super cheap, bug ridden dive hotel at 120 North East 6th Street, from January 25 to June 18 going out daily via press pass to the great fantasy of American culture, the convention route, Miami, Miami Beach . . fantastic food, speakers, programs, free on the cuff. Acquired Hollywood agent William Rutledge III, P>O> Box 530, North Hollwood who sold many of my commercial articles beginning in March or so and on through to 65, a pleasant connection waning muchly though in Huntsville under other pressures. Acquired many glossy print photos as a press agent, same to become part of later creative work for Dick Higgins, et al. plus interest
J.. ..._~
("'1· " " " '
ccted r.'l.e.rr.bor n...."l.d Ncw Jersey rcp:,i:crnen tative of the ,neric?.11 ':.ociety
of :P::cogr::..med Instructio n. J?rodu.ccd for the CO!.!lJ?r:>,.:n;f by thiD m,ethod n.nd for
,--t·u·1,:-:.,·i1: ·u,··"' 1111r.:i:;,. .;.'1'""'-ii··, ...., ,,.,,,n:nce 11 ·urog-rP::1e0 Text, 11 uA:Lis·t of lqrplicnbl e
....,.....i . . t_.,.... ,.. .•
Publicn.tio nr3, 465L" '.='Jld 11I·:.n,thcr,1n.ticr~ for -P1ectroni os, the first t-;70 1:1.l')J.JCn.rine
in ~ ~d the J.~tor n~t until 1965. J:r?mRted b~ th,~
.art~ ~?ing 11
thJ:.~o\l·Tll a:li wor1: I procm.ced D..i., home. "Da.>r J.,otec ..1.or l>.ocher ,1.a111ve id1)hbet, '.,I
11 Scig1 .~f'f'i ti "for 1964 p1J.b1icati on.
i:.runple book :from 1?ofk 1?i:n.ders :?.r~ive~
to become in 64 thG volume 11 ALOil0 11 .Correc:po ndence wrt.u Ditor Rot,d1str1 .bution of his boo}:s. :Boxes stored in Il:a.ine for 15 years a.rrived;ma -'vc~rials
therefro!l Gent to collectio ns nt UCL\, Colby ruid llaine Author in Aucusta.
Collectio n of works by James Joyce ru1d. Ger"'lirfrude Stein were nold along
U..:_,J . ...,
J0c~;[[User:SMathews|SMathews]] ([[User talk:SMathews|talk]])

Revision as of 18:16, 8 March 2019

1962 (centered)

In January by bus from Belfast to New York and by plane to Puerto Rico in the escape pattern (going to Guam, going to Australia), getting job at San Juan to teach english in the interior at Castener. Often recall now five years later the great peace of not being investigated, quizzed, examined, classified, trapped, gossiped about, the same from the native peoples and a few mainlanders from The Christian Brothers. Jungle growth, mountains produced the asthma of Guam and strain from my Porter uncles forcing fast departure after six weeks by plane to Miami after trying to see Elmer . . . . , his book museum for the Puerto Rican Government in San Juan, he then [illegible] and a fine memory from my days in Princeton during the war. Lived in a super cheap, bug ridden dive hotel at 120 North East 6th Street, from January 25 to June 18 going out daily via press pass to the great fantasy of American culture, the convention route, Miami, Miami Beach . . fantastic food, speakers, programs, free on the cuff. Acquired Hollywood agent William Rutledge III, P>O> Box 530, North Hollwood who sold many of my commercial articles beginning in March or so and on through to 65, a pleasant connection waning muchly though in Huntsville under other pressures. Acquired many glossy print photos as a press agent, same to become part of later creative work for Dick Higgins, et al. plus interest