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(Created page with "1965 (continued) r:;preocnt~tion of' f'oreir;n publichers of Finln.nd, 'ipi:tin, Horway, rte; -'.:1.dr; for book sGrviceri fJ'.'Om ?.O. 164,iAnhJ. ti~ncl,J.iri.ine. '.f:he B.B...")
Line 1: Line 1:
1965 (continued)
1965 (continued) (centered)
r:;preocnt~tion of' f'oreir;n publichers of Finln.nd, 'ipi:tin, Horway, rte;
-'.:1.dr; for book sGrviceri fJ'.'Om ?.O. 164,iAnhJ. ti~ncl,J.iri.ine. '.f:he B.B. volume
representation of' foreign publishers of Finland, Spain, Norway, etc; ads for book services from P.O. 164, Ashland, Maine. The B.B. volume 468B appeared and attracted some attention from visiting friends of Kenneth Beaudoin working here in Huntsville.  Wrote introduction in holograph for ___ by William Faulkner and began the fantastic, no result relation with Quality Books of Philadelphia though their edition of the Fitzgerald bibliography did appear.  Did a cover
- --4GDB "'.'tppcr'l.:!'.'ed. '"'nc1 ri.ttrrwted f!ome attention f'rom visiting friends of

Revision as of 17:38, 11 March 2019

1965 (continued) (centered)

representation of' foreign publishers of Finland, Spain, Norway, etc; ads for book services from P.O. 164, Ashland, Maine. The B.B. volume 468B appeared and attracted some attention from visiting friends of Kenneth Beaudoin working here in Huntsville. Wrote introduction in holograph for ___ by William Faulkner and began the fantastic, no result relation with Quality Books of Philadelphia though their edition of the Fitzgerald bibliography did appear. Did a cover


\_,; Ifon:neth I·er-!.:,.doin VIor}::in.g here in Huntsville .. Wrote introduction in hologrnph for l."iri..n b3r 1 "1i1liaTP. Fn.ulkner 8,nd began the f'a.ntnst:i.c,:no rer:uJ:t rclntion. with ·2u~,lit;y J3ookc of' PhiJ.nd.eJnhir-l. thon.r.rh their cover :for edition of' -';;he l'i tzc:crn.ld bi blioern.phy did appear. ])id '.'!orrr:;oocl Rovicw -;/1'0-~~0;pub1:Lchcd. t.tr,r,ben Yimble 's th!,::sic. on ~ iller. ., .


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i.. or ,\.Lee ·roniec ::1....1.f.'O 8-p})cri.rea 0J1c1. WP..s reviewea

.1 one; r,::12,]. t:oc. 1. 8,i.;.rie!im·c1c b;,r Joc.'"1,1 pre Gs n:ncl elFewhere to ac.1vA.ntrt,ge. 1.:r-:i.de r.1any sP.les; vrnrked with J 01111 G.lfoorc on hie projoctD including A Letter to come :mP.inly cJurinc 1$66. ':ie:nt vac~.t±.0110 in Hu.ntf}ViJ.le mainly e:d1n.ur:;ted. Collected r:-io:?t of l)nt chem' r1 v10:rk r.nd seil.t on to Colby \'.fhcre collection is gT;roL1c :i::-1._I]idl~ of' nu:tocrnphecl workn only vin. me. Attendecl opening of Fu.nt:-:vLLlc ~; tbrru~y b1.J..t :·::P:.inl;y a cecJ udsrl, f'rc1.5ri.l lif'G srwi:ng 0vcr;y-thing ·Por h01"'8 of 0.,,.1 .1-·n,·,-/~1· t·u+e o:r.'·' F "\T o,rr-,1 ·f")·,1c"t. {;""I.- f'e-1~r L! -r-'t,;r") n+u.r'len-1:r·, ·: .ni' l .,.:J. '""1' • l,.,·""" .;:,.J

l.'1·01: ~:;,:-:i:n.:::l 1:i.. .i-tc.,r-::::,:-.i:.tE±:t::::x r..rtintc rtll r1rt:.0.tinr-; ~- chr..:ncc. '. ant out

7.:PJ1y t;y-pc of .07". thingr, incJucli:ng 6.rnxr:i.r:.e;s, :G'ounclr, ru1d r.:ic:;. ,'fork v,i th Hu.tlod.gc about over ••• too tired to uon.tinue mo..inly. >till 1.-u1der press1..u-·ec of thu croup to r;et :-:.lone n:t vrork. 2 ember of the locnl .r.;r--,lon o:f Ycvr,, Dn::r:t:inr:, ri.. ~d:r:.cl of high IJOint hr1re cul"curfilly •• meeting 1':t her f'"' :rr:1 hm.1-3 in ~ oncy, Al2.bru:n2...













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TI'.J\.E •• s:oclmict=tl J?nginooring Ju.:;oociatcc I.obilized reorco.nized. i:::.:ta.:n.cc, ::JNIA Join,Jd Vol1..mtoers f'o::c Internn:"Gion2.l i·ochnicnl

- cc to ArDcricf1,;

Cor-p:::~;Voluntcers in }; IntGrnr:.tional AfoOir2d;ru1co

.cr,.ricc Corps of Hetirc:d Rxocutives ri.11 as hed.s,,<'for the future,

r;i:alilarly continuing on litts of AtoI1lic Energyi:Oommicsion, 1.:p;'cion8.l Counc:"-"' col of Churche,~, CAI{E, Inc, Co.m.::litte on I.7'"'..npower,:,;~l)tYorttmit ..::r; in Inrael, Let.t.odict. Committee for Oversea Relief, Unit~$:~1 ~;ervice Gomm.ittec, l'o,r :Last Fotu1<la.tion, vhurch \1orld Service, UJT.ES \all oversea.a and bGt,1.U1 moctl;y" during o~:cly \Ialdrrick days a.nd <"' lier, ever ho:ping to 1,,olrn it overccns r,cnin at t';Omeone 's expense •.~swcrecl many technical a,dr:: in looo.l Hw.:.tEnriJ.le papers on this basis '._lzl.l;e;o .continue to go"'li .=. ·.1."'o·rr.,-.. :,· ·J.·:>-,..o··'" TJ: ,·:·:·,· ('O ..,.,.,c1 .~ -:~o~n.;c r.ine·,..cry · C'o.•~mi 1·. """'.1·.on.·.·,.;A.!...'i<,e<1· "1 C,)' on° no,.-t~ f'or _ ..L,6 for.r.1or in J·aca1""'t::i. I:.1doinesia ru-.1.d si{;lu.:ng on for one in 13raziJ. •• all long processes requiring more self investigation or rflther inventigRtion of :r.1e,~n.y pnst, refc:re:r~ccs, etc.-r ije11ee E. :.>:iJnon does: a p~rtin.1 bibliography n. ffLr:.rt ren.ll~r 011 the Ill, colle~;tionat UCLA • .life bc:ei:irn: active dn.i::.y 1 e,L:f ::rtudy v:f .,pe..:nish. Correspondence 'Hi th Dick Higgi:nr:: 8-:!1.cl h:U,'. group .J.,..i.~


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f,·,y.,.lroncl~c.c1 by !'1.J.""0"11 1' .·or,·:e+:-1:i.'J:"ll' ·:·,:1c,,.,., ·p-,-.r,q5•1·.,.'e.,1·\y '.';(r "/n"ilnc·::, !'.'l"nd o·l-]1°:i::' • •·".t. .:.· . -; J.,.-~ •. lJ. V ·.. -.,,.. ~-~ .... 'I•.:,..J!'j f~ J-.j, .,,,. - • ...... t....•• -,·-·-•··.r.. ~ v-• ' V- \..A.. Inst:.t tute of the .lunericas in :io.11 Jau...11 t1..d; no·thing h8.ppens. Interno.tion:,.1

. ;~

i 1J.blished: Hr~rry 3mvdm1, EiG .Jtu.dio o.ncl \"!ork; Wer:n.her vonJ=raw:.: ::-,i blio-

..-,.rqDhv f'nd '.,elc,ctecl l'f",:nerr:: ·,Cut L0n.ves ( tv10 versionr,). fr•.YF3J. 0'1.ct.irn. Dietr·ich promiF;e to publish two art works in :10,:;t Gerr:in.ny. \'i tles at . Y10rk. incl1.2.de : "1.!'ull Dn.rn:tion CP.pti ve I11 iri:ng of :;-IC }i'J.ight .tr-,,&e ...,,.,d rl'h'-'iJ:' liti 'l iz 0 ti0ll 11 i·--, .: r,1-J-i i J.• 1"V . ts·i,1·,· II ...,,.·,a." li'··,·vR+e·"1 ·,·,'etl"OdQ1.Qf':J.. cJ ..._. ~-•.__.,.~, ...;r.J ~~oo-re '=1 -·a." ··,1.·t11 t..·1·ohrl G•J.': - · , I)'"'""'"",:::,.,,n..., on"""'"' .,..,,,i...,1,;c,.., .... ;on ",r.. ·J··r++,..,r" ""

.J'-..V-~- ..... c...,lJ.c,,.'

.. -;' t,().:..·.:~t;! f'.(ldi tionr:: :for the f'rench odi tiOJ~ of ·:·poerri' s 1rote 23 p-::i[_r1:: w:: r.nto<..t(Jt;eu ;.1'0!)oc;1·8.phy; [nxpplied Lav1r0nce lipton ·f'!. long 1i:::'.t of notes fo::c his :p:rojccted book on culturri.l r>rogresr:: in California 1945-1955 1)uriod n.nd hie book tentatively called "The Grrrni:n.g :Edgell.(}u.ality Books V B1ilad.c,-,.,:'.hi'1- conti11ucs with delays, stB-lling,no n.nF:wers oven on phone cnllc.:PubJ.ir;he<l 11 L"i.or:cowt1,ln.st of' 1961 trip influonccs.hur:oum of );odern Art j..,; brary, r evr York com.plet en its collect ion of r:iy works ~







J.l. ..




totaling 18 titles in all



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