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Brigade Orders -- second Brigade, 8. Division
Brigade Orders -- second Brigade, 8. Division.
Augusta, Nov. 10. 1798.
The officers to compose the Court-martial appointed by the Division Order of the 3. instant, will be furnished by detail, as follows:
Lieutenant-colonel Commandant John Chandler, president

Revision as of 04:33, 24 March 2017

The Court-martial being convened, will proceed to the trial of such officer, or officers, as may be brought before them; and of their doings, they are directed to make due report to the Major-General of the aforesaid Division, as soon as convenience will admit.

Brigadier-General Sewall will please to notify Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, of the time and place of said Court's sitting, and direct his attendance; and also to take the necessary measures for collecting the evidences, requisite to substantiate the charges exhibited, or which may be exhibited against said Greenleaf, who in particular is to be tried by said Court.

By order of Major-General Dearborn Barzillai Gannett, Aid de Camp.

Brigade Orders -- second Brigade, 8. Division. Augusta, Nov. 10. 1798.

The officers to compose the Court-martial appointed by the Division Order of the 3. instant, will be furnished by detail, as follows:

Lieutenant-colonel Commandant John Chandler, president