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ON this fourteenth day of July, 1820, personally appeared before Nathan Weston Jr one of the Justices of the Supreme Justice[struck through] of[struck through]  the[struck through]  Circuit[struck through]  Judicial Court of[struck through] Common[struck through] Pleas[struck through], for[struck through] the[struck through] Counties[struck through] of[struck through] Lincoln[struck through], Kennebec[struck through] and[struck through] Somerset[struck through], being a Court of Record for[struck through] said[struck through] Counties[struck through], proceeding according to the course of the common law, having original jurisdiction, unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having the power of fine and imprisonment, Benjamin Curtis
ON this fourteenth day of July, 1820, personally appeared before Nathan Weston Jr one of the Justices of the Supreme Justice[struck through] of[struck through]  the[struck through]  Circuit[struck through]  Judicial Court of[struck through] Common[struck through] Pleas[struck through], for[struck through] the[struck through] Counties[struck through] of[struck through] Lincoln[struck through], Kennebec[struck through] and[struck through] Somerset[struck through], being a Court of Record for[struck through] said[struck through] Counties[struck through], proceeding according to the course of the common law, having original jurisdiction, unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having the power of fine and imprisonment, Benjamin Curtis aged Sixty three years, resident in Monroe in the County of Hancock within said Circuit[struck through] State, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows, viz. in[struck through] the[struck through] Company[struck through] commanded[struck through] by[struck through] Captain[struck through] and[struck through] Regiment[struck through] commanded[struck through] by[struck through] Colonel[struck through] of[struck through] the[struck through] line[struck through] of[struck through] the[struck through] State[struck through] of[struck through] upon the Continental Establishment, for the period of nearly fifteen months, on board the Dean Frigate commanded by Cap. Samuel Nichols

Revision as of 21:19, 24 March 2017

�State of Maine.


ON this fourteenth day of July, 1820, personally appeared before Nathan Weston Jr one of the Justices of the Supreme Justice[struck through] of[struck through] the[struck through] Circuit[struck through] Judicial Court of[struck through] Common[struck through] Pleas[struck through], for[struck through] the[struck through] Counties[struck through] of[struck through] Lincoln[struck through], Kennebec[struck through] and[struck through] Somerset[struck through], being a Court of Record for[struck through] said[struck through] Counties[struck through], proceeding according to the course of the common law, having original jurisdiction, unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having the power of fine and imprisonment, Benjamin Curtis aged Sixty three years, resident in Monroe in the County of Hancock within said Circuit[struck through] State, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows, viz. in[struck through] the[struck through] Company[struck through] commanded[struck through] by[struck through] Captain[struck through] and[struck through] Regiment[struck through] commanded[struck through] by[struck through] Colonel[struck through] of[struck through] the[struck through] line[struck through] of[struck through] the[struck through] State[struck through] of[struck through] upon the Continental Establishment, for the period of nearly fifteen months, on board the Dean Frigate commanded by Cap. Samuel Nichols