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The Commanding-officer of the brigade, flatters himself, that he shall find occasion at the next reviews, to notice with approbation, a general improvement in the dress, the arms & accoutrements, the discipline and martial dexterity of the troops he has the honour to command; and that they will thereby exhibit encreasing evidence, that they are in reality, what they profess to be -- the boast and bulwark of their country.
By order of B. Gen. Sewall,
Samuel Howard, Brigade-Major.
Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, January 1. 1800.
In testimony of the deep respect due to the illustrious memory of General George Washington, whose useful life was closed the 14. of December last, B. Gen. Sewall earnestly recommends to every Officer of the 2. Brigade, to wear a black crape on the left upper arm, during the present month.
By order, &c.
S. Howard, Brigade-major.

Revision as of 15:50, 29 March 2017

The Commanding-officer of the brigade, flatters himself, that he shall find occasion at the next reviews, to notice with approbation, a general improvement in the dress, the arms & accoutrements, the discipline and martial dexterity of the troops he has the honour to command; and that they will thereby exhibit encreasing evidence, that they are in reality, what they profess to be -- the boast and bulwark of their country.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall, Samuel Howard, Brigade-Major.

Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, January 1. 1800.

In testimony of the deep respect due to the illustrious memory of General George Washington, whose useful life was closed the 14. of December last, B. Gen. Sewall earnestly recommends to every Officer of the 2. Brigade, to wear a black crape on the left upper arm, during the present month.

By order, &c. S. Howard, Brigade-major.
