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�several young graduates of the college have come to me of their own accord, and say they will go with me as privates or any way[?].
    I know my men, & know whom to pick. I think they would prefer a new Regt. but it shall all be as your Excellency sees fit.
    Hoping tosee[?] you tomorrow
            I am
            Yr. Ex's. most obdt. srvt. [?]
                    J.L. Chamberlain

Revision as of 16:24, 4 April 2017

�several young graduates of the college have come to me of their own accord, and say they will go with me as privates or any way[?].

    I know my men, & know whom to pick. I think they would prefer a new Regt. but it shall all be as your Excellency sees fit.
    Hoping tosee[?] you tomorrow
           I am 
           Yr. Ex's. most obdt. srvt. [?]
                    J.L. Chamberlain