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Sunday, 14.
Sunday, 14.
We was relieved from picket this morning and came into Came Our Army is falling back from the Rappahannock to Manassass [illegible] reported that the rebel army is at Thourufare Gap and if it is so shere will probably be another Battle of Bull Run. several Corps of our army has passed here to day.
We was relieved from picket this morning and came into Came Our Army is falling back from the Rappahannock to Manassass [illegible] reported that the rebel army is at Thourufare Gap and if it is so There will probably be another Battle of Bull Run. several Corps of our army has passed here to day.

Revision as of 17:13, 5 September 2017

June, Tuesday, 9. 1863. We saddled up this morning at 2 oclockintending to start at 3 but did not start till 7 oclock. crossed the river at 8 oclock. marched for Brandy Platoon. The Enemy was there in force. the battle commenced at daylight and lasted all day my P.O. was not engaged. it being rear guard at dark our forces fell back across the river.

Wednesday, 10. Last night two PO's of [illegible] was sent down the river to Kelly's ford to get the supplies train came up to Rappahannock ford stoped all night and joined our Regt again this morning. our Regt lost pretty [illegible] yesterday in the fight. At 9 oclock A.M. and went into Camp we started and marched to Warrenton Junction.

Thursday, 11. From the report of our Reg't. we lost yesterday in the fight. 30 min. We took 80 prisoners, captured 1 stand of color 1 battle flag. (Bully! for the 1st Maine) This morning at 9 oclock our Division was [illegible] and reviewed by Gen. Pleasanton. The name of the battle fought yesterday was the battle of Baverly Ford our troops claims the victory.

June, Friday, 12. 1863. This forenoon at 11 oclock we had a Regimental Inspection was in Camp the rest of the day. The weather has been quite warm to day. I received a letter from home to day.

Saturday, 13. We signed the pay rolls to day and was paid off for 2 months pay. Saddled up at 3 oclock and went out on Picket guard. Nothing of eny interest has takened place to day.

Sunday, 14. We was relieved from picket this morning and came into Came Our Army is falling back from the Rappahannock to Manassass [illegible] reported that the rebel army is at Thourufare Gap and if it is so There will probably be another Battle of Bull Run. several Corps of our army has passed here to day.