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to be understood, that by Law, the Commanding Officers of Companies are keepers of the rolls, and it belongs to them to judge whether any person shall be excused from duty for a time, or whether he shall be discharged from the rolls, in case of disability, and they are accountable for the judicious exercise of this power; but they shall not discharge any person from the rolls without a certificate from the Surgeon &[?] Surgeon's Mate. This system being founded on the Laws, will in all cases, be observed in future; and no Surgeon will presume, of himself, to discharge any man from the rolls, in the Militia of this Commonwealth -- and it is expected that great caution will be used in giving certificates of disability, as there are but very few cases which ought to entitle a man to be discharged from the rolls; in general, it will be found best to excuse an invalid for a time only, and when he is reinstated in his health, call him to his duty.

It has also been represented to the Commander in Chief, that corrupt practices have been employed, in some instances, in obtaining certificates of disability; he hopes, for the honor of the Militia, that instances like these are few, or that the complaints respecting them, are altogether without foundation;