the future use of said tribe. And that the citizens of said Commonwealth shall have a right to pass and repass any of the rivers, streams and woods, which run through any of the lands hereby reserved for the purpose of transporting their lumber and other articles through the same.
In witness whereof of the parties aforesaid have hereunto set our hands and seal.
Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us } Lothrop Lewis Jna Blake Joseph Lee Eben Webster Joseph Whipple
[right column] Edw. H. Robbins Dan'l Davis Mark Langdon Hill John his + mark Etien Governor John his + mark Neptune Lt Governor Francis his + mark Lolor Nichoas Neptune [seal] Jock his + mark Joseph Capt John his + mark Nicholas Capt Etien his + mark Mitchell Capt Piel his + mark Marie Piel his + mark Peruit Colo. Piel his + mark Tomah
Penobscot SS. June 30th. 1818. Personally appeared the aforenamed Edward H. Robbins, Daniel Davis, and Mark Langdon Hill. Esquires, and John Etien