the Instruction of Youth referring the same to the next Legislature was read and accepted in concurrence.
Bill - An Act to encourage the destruction of crows, was read a third time & indefinitely postponed
Resolve in favor of locating and making a Road from the Forks of the Kennebec River to Moosehead Lake, was read a second time & indefinitely postponed.
Resolve authorizing the Secretary of State to procure and distribute certain Documents was read a second time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Hallowell Granite Railroad Company was amended as proposed by the Senate and passed to be engrossed in concurrence as thus amended.
Bill - An Act to set off a tract of land from Lewiston to Greene, came from the Senate, that body refusing a conference & adhering to their vote indefinitely postponing the same - and the House adhere to their vote passing the same.