Register of The Council vol. 1
1820 Sept. 1 p.10
Moved, That a Committee be appointed to take into consideration the properiety and nexessity of appointing an Agent to take care of the Government's lands on the Schoodic, and the Indian lands; and to provent the destruction of timber and other tresspasses; and of requesting the Governor to make such appointment; which motion passed in the affirmative; and Messers Wood and Fillebrown were appointed a Committee for the purpose. And the said Committee Reported, That in their opinion it is necessary to have an Agent appointed for the purposes named above; and that the Governor be requested to appoint some suitable person to attend to that business: Which Report was accepted.
Nov. 18 p. 20
RESOLVED, That an Agent be appointed under the Resolve of the Legistature of the twenty sixth June last, to take care of the public lands and to preserve the timber on the Penobscot River and its branches:-
And MARK TRAFTON of Bangor, in the County of Penobscot, Esquire, was apppointed by the Governor, said Agent, the Council advising and consenting thereto.
RESOLVED, That the Agent be appointed under the Resolve of the Legislature of the twenty sixth of June last, to take care of the public lands on the Schoodic River and its branches: and to preserve the timber on the same:
And WILLIAM VANOE, of plantation numbered Six, in the County of Washington Esquire, was appointed said Agent, by the Governor, the Council Advising and consenting thereto:-