From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
Johnson Levi, Elected Senators, 20 Johnson Joseph, Elected Councilor, 21 Jonesboro', & Whitneyville Rail Road Company, Bill ____ to incorporate, 267. 281. 298. Judges of S.J. Court, Opinions of, 163. Judges of Registers of Probate Bill add. respecting ___ salaries of, 334. 344. 352. Judicial Process & Proceeding Bill to regulate 319. 330. 357. " " Bill add. regulating, 319. 330. 357. Justices of the Peace, Bill extending powers of certain cases - 235. 267. 303. Justices of S.J. Court, Bill allowing additional pay to _______ 346. 361. 384. 388.