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that many Commissions yet remain uncertified, the Brigadier-Generals, as well as the Major-General, are hereby authorized to make the necessary Certificates on the Commissions in such cases.

                     By order of the Commander in Chief
                                    Wm. Donnison, Adjutant-Genl.
  General Orders, Head Quarters, Boston, Dec. 30. 1796.
         By the certified copy of a Return of the election of 

Captain Ezekiel Chace and his Subalterns in the 4. Regiment of the 2. Brigade, 8. Division, under the hand of Brigadier- General Sewall, it appears that the said Officers were elected on the 15. day of November 1792 -- And it also appearing by the General Roster, that by mistake those Officers' Commissions were issued bearing date the 15. October in the same year: the Major-General or Brigadier are therefore hereby authorized to rectify the error aforesaid, either by altering the date of the several Commissions, or by an Order stating the facts and