me. In this reliance I do assure you, gentleman, my hopes and expectations have been more than answered; and if my services have been performed with any degree of acceptance, it is to be attributed to that assistance and support which you have so kindly rendered the chair. For this kindness as well as for that spirit of harmony and good feeling which has prevailed during our present session, I, beg you, gentlemen, to accept my acknowledgement, and at the same time, my best wishes for your individual prosperity and happiness, both temporal and eternal."
[Bill-- duties to be paid by certain Officers.] Bill entitled "An Act establishing the duties to be paid by certain Officers therein named," came back from the Senate, endorsed as follows: "In Senate June 28th 1820 "The Senate adhere to their former vote with respect to their proposed amendments, as to County Attorneys. Sent down."
[Passed.] The House recede from their former vote and concur with the Senate in their proposed amendments; and pass the Bill to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
[Resolve-- directing the manner the Laws shall be printed.] Resolve "providing for the publication yearly of the Acts and Resolves passed from time to time by the Legislature" Read and passed Sent down for concurrence.
Ordered, that the Committee on the Pay Roll be directed to add one days pay to the compensation reported