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be enrolled in Companies as much together & in the vicinity of each other, as possible; that every detached Captain be furnished with a muster-roll of his men, with the several places of their abode noted thereon; & that they be held in readiness to march at a moment's warning.

The Commanding Officer of the Brigade flatters himself, that the Officers will cheerfully give every aid in completing the Detach- ment with all possible promptitude and dispatch.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall

                                           A. Stoddard, Brigade Major.
             Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8 Division, 
                                        Augusta, October 19. 1797.

Capt. Shaw's Company of Artillery, having voluntarily engaged, and been accepted by the Major-General, as an entire Corps in the Detachment now forming in the 8th. Division, the several proportions of Officers and Men required from the Artillery of the 2. Brigade, by the Orders of the 4. September last, are rendered unneces sary; & they are therefore hereby honorably released from any further duty in the said Detachment.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall