[B] Bills passed various stages - viz. " for the observation of the Lord's day, 189, 189, 223 " to prevent routs, riots &c, 301, 301, 317 "" bribery and corruption, 331, 331, 336 " against selling unwholesome provisions, 265, 265, 288 " for the prevention and removal of nuisances, 304, 304, 334 " to prevent gambling, 277, 277, 307 " to prevent ministers of the law from buying and selling promissory notes for gain &c, 264, 264, 284 " against excessive usury 264, 264, 284 "" unauthorized lotteries, 299, 320, 365 "" hawkers, pedlars & pettychapmen, 227, 248, 255 " for protection of personal liberty of the Citizens, &c, 282, 282, 304 " against stage plays, interludes &c, [refused 239- " to secure fire engines from injury, 304, 304, 317 " to prevent damage from mischievous dogs, 301, 301, 316 " repealing part of law relating to punish. of convicts, 355, 355, 379 " to prevent and punish trespass, 353, 353, 384 " regulating the Jurisdiction and proceedings of Courts of Probate 356, 363, 385 " respecting executors, admin. and guardians - and the conveyance of real estate in certain cases 384, 384, 386 " respecting wills &c and descent of intestate estates, 248, [268, 275, 370], [384, 386] " to prevent fraud and perjury, 290, 290 " directing the mode of transferring real estates by deed, 258, 258, 288 "" measures of conveyance by counties, 331, 331, 362