83. Tuesday January 15th 1822. Met according to adjournment. Journal of yesterday read.
remonstrance - of Thos M Crate + others — Remonstrance[underlined] of Thomas McCrate + others agst the division of the County of Lincoln — read and referred to the committee who have under considera-tion the petition of George Rogers + others. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - Waterville lodge Bill to incorporate the Master, Wardens + of Waterville Lodge — read 1st & 2nd time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.
Message from the Governor.
Message of Governor - Board of Jurisprudence
To the Senate + House of Representatives I have received from the Board of Jurispru-dence through the Chairman, a report of their doings under the resolve of a March 8 1821, which for the information of the two Houses I lay before them. As there has been no appropriation for defraying the expense a cerving[?] under the afore[illegible] Resolve, I suggest to the Legislation the expediency of taking that subject under consideration. Albion K Parris Council Chamber January 12th 1822 The foregoing message together with the accompan-nying papers were[crossed out] referred in the Senate to Messrs Bradbury + Bennett with such as the House may join, and[crossed out] came down for concurrence — The House concurred and Messrs Lewis of Gorham, Himman of Sullivan and Fletcher of China were joined.