138 Tuesday January 22 1822. Met according to adjournment. Journal of yesterday read.
Petition of William Smith Petition[underlined] of William Smith for leave to change his name — was read and referred to the committee on change of names.
Pet. of W. M. Bryant + others. The committee on the petition of W. M. Bryant and others for a new town to be taken from Saco, Scarboro + Buxton and sundry remonstrances upon the same subject — reported leave to withdraw. The report accepted in Senate came down for concurrence — and the House concurred.
Pet. of Raymond Petition[underlined] of the Selectmen of Raymond with a returned order of notice thereon — was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of parishes and other religious Societies and ministerial and School lands
Committee — associations for protecting property from fire On motion of Mr Dunlap of Brunswick, Ordered[underlined], that Messrs Dunlap of Brunswick, Marsh of Thomaston and Sands of Lyman be a committee to take into consideration the expedien-cy of passing a general alw, to enable persons asso-ciated together for the purpose of protecting their property from fire, to form themselves into a body politic for the better management of their concerns with leave to report by bill or otherwise — read and passed.