140. that such Societies shall severally annually raise by contribution or otherwise a like sum of one hundred dollars for the same object. — read twice and pass ^age[inserted above] refused 24 pro. 115 con.
Bills — enacted. The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed Bill. relative to the tender of money in suits at Law" "in addition addition[crossed out] to an act to establish — {the Cumberland + Oxford Canal Corporation — " to change the name and style of Saco Academy in — {the County of York — which were severally passed to be enacted.
Resolve - finally passed. The same committee reported as duly engrossed — Resolve, for reducing the number of polls in the valuation of Monroe[underlined] which was finally passed.
Resolve - pension to Timothy Hall Junr — Resolve, granting a pension to Timothy Hall Junr — was read a second time and passed to be engross-ed in concurrence with the Senate
Bill - additional regulating elections + The committee on engrossed bills report^ed[inserted above] as duly engrossed- Bill in addition to an Act regulating elections which on motion was amended at A by striking out the word "fifty" and inserting "thirty" and inserting at B the words "willfully or negligently"[in quotes underlined]
and the bill thus amended was ordered to be re[underlined]-engrossed and the clerk was ordered to communicate the same by message to the Senate and request their concurrence.
Bill — Gardiner Lyceum Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the Gardiner Lyceum — was read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.