[yeas & nays] The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed. Bill "to establish a ministerial fund in the town of Raymond" - - "relating to the ministerial funds of the Congregational Society in Buxton" - - "establishing and regulating the fees of certain officers therein named" - which were severally finally passed, sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve finally passed] The same committee reported as duly engrossed Resolve "authorizing the Treasurer of the State to receive notes of certain Banks in payment of taxes and debts due the State" which was on motion indefinitely postponed
[bills-] Same committee also reported, Resolve, " on the pay roll of the Senate" - - "respecting State Colors & musical instruments" - - "appropriating money for the payment of the engrossing clerks" - - "providing for indices to the Journals of the Senate & House of Representatives" - - "making an advance out of the State Treasury for printing" - - "appropriating two hundred dollars to provide fuel for the use of the Legislature & public offices of this State" - - "for the payment of accounts against the state" - - " making an appropriation for contingent expenses" - which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - relief of Poor Debtors] Message from the Senate by Mr Sewall their Secretary. Mr Speaker The Senate have amended the Bill "for the relief of Poor Debtors" by inserting the word "such" in