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p 109. Ed-dunk-he-gan, stone sling. Ms-squar-jees, war club. 112. Menus-kose, Ocean Island, epithet Mundo-ok-koke, Devil slayer " 118. Mik-nur-queh, birch bark - packing box Ar-nass-cum-nal, acorns Go-eh-suk, at the pines, now Cohasset. (Jude's Hadley (?) says Cowas, a pine tree; Cohasset, pine tree place 121 War-har-weh, "greatest of all," epithet 122 Nan-sus-kek, "grassy foreground" - Nantucket. 123 Qua-ne-beck, "long blade" Kennebec 125 Ar-gur-muk, "to the other land" Hock Mock 126 May quay, Mohawk 128 Ma-quozz-bem-to-cook, Lake River = St. Lawrence 124 Nequ-tar-ter-wet,"the Lone Star" - epithet 130 Ko-chi-koke, a great gum river Mik-mur-keag, "the youngest land" O-dur-mur-keag "the father land" 131 Tur-too-saqu ledge door 138 K'chi-skoo-tek, grand council fire.