118 Committee - poor debtors law - act for the relief of Poor debtors, with leave to report by bill or otherwise - read + passed. Sent up for concurrence
rep. Joseph Griffin Report on petition of Joseph Griffin for further allowance for printing the Statute Laws - granting a Resolve, was read and accepted.
Resolve - Joseph Griffin Resolve for the relief of Joseph Griffin, was read once[underlined] + tomorrow at 11 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.
Petitions + Petitions of Stephen putnam + others of Rumford for a law {equalizing the Ministerial lands in P town between the Con-gregationalist + Baptist Societies - of Josiah Stebbins +al for a removal of New Castle Academy - also
Remonstrances Remonstrances of George Reid +als} against the removal of - of town of New Castle} new Castle Academy - were severally read + referred to the committee on the incor-poration of parishes + other religious Societies + ministerial and school lands. Sent up for concurrence.
Report - Albany Report on petition of Albany for authority to sell their ministerial + school lands, granting an order of notice came down accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Rep. John Hilton + als Report on petition of John Hilton + others, and on an order of both Houses on the subject of the school law, that any amendments would be inexpedient at this time, came down accepted for concurrence + the House concurred.
Rep. Sam Valentine + als Report on petition of Samuel L Valentine + als members of Hancock Lodge, granting leave for a Bill came down accepted for concurrence - + the House concurred.