120 committee on banks and banking + sent down for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Committee - expediency of investigation each Banks + On motion of Mr McCobb, Ordered, that the committee on banks + banks consider the expediency of appointing one or more Committees to visit each bank in the State + investigate their standing, with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Sent up for concurred.
The above order came back non[underlined]concurred.
Bill - East River Sluice Company Bill to incorporate the East river Sluice Company, was read 1st + 2d time and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.
Resolve - blank returns - Resolve providing for the printing + distribution of blank returns was read + passed in concurrence with the senate.
Petitions - Petition of Jonathan Hyde + others to be incorporated {by the name of the bath Marine Insurance Company - of Jacob Quincy + others for the incorporation of {Bank in Portland by the name of the Manufacturers Bank. were severally read + referred to the committee on Banks + Banking. Sent up for concurrence.
same Petition of Bradbury Emerson + others for the formation of a new town out of a part of Hollis and a part of Biddeford. was, read and referred to the committee on the incor-poration of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
same Petition of the Selectmen of Thomaston for a law confirming certain doings of said town + + was read and referred to the committee on New Trials - Sent up for concurrence.