[Rep. of Committee - Sessions in County of York] The committee to consider the expediency of altering the times of holding the terms of the Courts of Sessions in the County of York — reported leave to bring in a bill — report read & accepted.
[Bill - to alter the time of holding the Court of Sessions in York County &c] Bill to alter the time of holding the Court of Sessions in the County of York — read a 1st and 2nd time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.
[Message of Governor] [Standard of weights and measures &c] Message from the Governor. To the Senate and House of Representatives By a law of this State passed FebY 5th 1821 it is made the duty of the Treasurer of the State, at the expense thereof to cause to be had and preserved as public standards, and which shall be used only as such, certain beams, weights and measures particularly described in said law. The Treasurer having submitted to me a detailed statement of his proceeding I have directed the same to be laid before the Legislature for their information. From an examination of the papers herewith communicated, the Treasurer appears to have used great diligence in acquiring such inform as would be most likely to enable him to effect a compliance with the law and that he has failed in such a compliance is attributed to the defect of the Standards in use in the parent State. The subject of weights & measures has recently received the attention of the national Legislature and an able report giving a full view of the different standards in use in the several states of the union, as well as