[Report of committee to contract for printing] The committee appointed by a Resolve of 22d of March 1821 to contract for printing the Laws, reported that they have contracted with Messrs Griffin & Tappan for 500 copies at 1200$ - that the sum of 1000$ has been paid them toward the contract and that 200$ is due - they also reported a Resolve in favor of Griffin & Tappam for the latter sum. The report was accepted in concurrence with the Senate.
[Resolve in favor of Griffin & Tappan] Resolve "in favor of Griffin & Tappan" was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
[Report of Committee on Bank Reports] The committee to whom was referred the several Bank reports and the subject of deciding as to the expediency of raising a committee personally to examine any such Banks as may appear to be unsafe or of doubtful standing - reported that it is not expedient to raise such a committee at present. The report was accepted in nonconcurrence with the Senate.
[Bill - ministerial & school lands in Raymond -] The Bill "to incorporate the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund in the town of Raymond" which passed this House 2nd inst came from the Senate in a new draft for the concurrence of the House - and the House concurred.
[Pet. of Daniel Barrett & others] An order of the Senate referring the petition of Daniel Barrett & others to the next Legislature came down for concurrence - and the House concurred
[Report - on pet. of Edmd Knight & als] The committee to whom was referred the petition of Edmund Knight and others for a repeal of the law authorizing the Court of Sessions to erect a Bridge across Presumpscut river at Staples point - reported a reference to the next Legislature, and that the petitioners in the mean time cause the act supplimentary to the Laws respecting Bridges over Presumpscut river" to be pub-