up and after much debate was on motion of Mr Spofford of Deer Isle ordered to be indefinitely postponed - 59 pro. 56 con.
[Bill - may affirm instead of taking oath]
Bill "for the relief of persons who are scrupulous of taking oaths" being reported with amendments which were adopted - Read a first and second time and Friday next at 10 oclock assigned for a third reading.
[Bill - marriage]
Bill "for regulating marriage and for the orderly solemnization" thereof" came back from the Senate with amendments in which the House concur & order it to be engrossed as amended by the Senate.
[Bill - parishes]
Mr Hobbs of Waterboro' gave notice that on monday next at 10 oclock he should move a reconsideration of the vote postponing indefinately [indefinitely] the consideration of the Bill "concerning Parishes".
Adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 oclock. Attest J Loring Child. Clerk.