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�To the Honorable, the Legislature of the State of Maine

    The undersigned Citizens of Mt Desert in the County of

Hancock Respectfully pray your honorable body, to adopt resolutions declaring:

    1. That Congress has the constitutional Power to abolish slavery and the slave 
 trade, in the District of Columbia.
    2. That it has the constitutional power to abolish therein the several Territories 
 of the Union, where they exist.
    3.That it has the constitutional power to prohibit the slave trade between the 
 several States of the Union.
    4. That, in regard to all these particulars, Congress ought immediately to 
 exercise that power.

We also pray your honorable body, to send a copy of said resolutions to each of

 the Senators and Representatives of this State in

Congress, to be by them laid before that body;--to the Governors of the several

 States, to be by them laid before their respective

legislatures; and to the President of the United States.

    We further pray your honorable body, to instruct the Senators, and request the 
 Representatives, of this State, in Congress, to use

their utmost influence, for the immediate abolition of slavery and the slave trade in

 the District of Columbia, and in those Territories

of the Union where they exist;--and also for the immediate prohibition of the slave

 trade between the several States.

Samuel Lopaus Hannah Lopaus David Clark Nancy C Clark Wm W Lopaus Catherine Millikin Wm Norwood Eliza W Lopaus John Rich Daty Rich John Galley Rhoda D Rich Stephen Norwood Margaret Rich Jonathan Norwood Lydia T Compton James K Norwood Sallay Norwood George W Norwood Hannah Galley Stephen Norwood Jr Lydia Galley John F Norwood Rachel Lopaus Jonathan Norwood Jr Sally Dusc

                                                                 Sarah Wells

David Gott Etppoa[?] Dix Benj Norwood Mary M Manchester Oliver Norwood Susan B Gott C. L. Cary Esther Norwood John Billings Ursula F. Cary Benj Sawyer Rachel L. Chear Oliver Yalper Hannah D. Milliken

                                                                  Ann Hunt

S. F. Milliken Comeline Dow Ebenezer Pickney Rachel Milliken A. Cummings Milliken Polly Norwood Lam C Holden Cinderrilla Seavey

                                                                   Fryphosa Atherton

C M Milliken Susannah Davis Simeon Milliken Joanna Bartlett Samuel Alley Sally Bartlett Abel Bering Abraham Bartlett Rosella Bartlett David Bartlett Larenda Bartlett Christopher Bartlett Polly Bartlett Robert Bartlett James Bartlett Polly Bartlett John R Bart;ett Christopher Bartlett Louisa Bartlett Jason Manley Betsy Manley Etsa Swift Caroline E. Briggs Joseph Furbush Elizabeth Rumill Jason Billings Jr Mary K Hodgdon Barnum Rumill Ann Hobbins

                                                                   Harriet R Hodgden

Ephraim Dow Susann M Obese Alex Hodgdon Sarah W Billiange Thurlow Dow Daniel D Olecan Abigail Billings Isaac Oleane Jane Billings Reuben Billings

No 7

Stover Leach Elizabel Bartlett James Reed Margaret Atherton Ira Reed Sarah Bartlett Benjamin Robbins Parcestra Bartlett John Murphy Edith Dow Saml Norwood Rebecca Hodgdon

                                                                   Mary Hent

Benj Robbins Jr Martha Reed Elisha B Hodgdon Tryphena Reed Daniel Smith James Bartlett Jr Tryphosa Reed

                                                                  Lois Marshall

57 Freelove Billings

                                                                  Apphia Robbins