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�State Of Maine County of Penobscot, ss. At a circuit court of common pleas [ NOTE: can not interpret handwriting ] On this 27 day of [ June ] in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and twenty, personally appeared in open court being a court of record within in and for said county and State of Maine, established by a law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, made and passed on Twenty seventh day of June, A.D 1811, and recognized by the Constitution of the State of Maine Ebenezer Fisher aged, sixty one years, resident [ NOTE: can not interpret handwriting town/city ] in said county of Penobscot, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war follow: As a private soldier in the company commanded by Capt [Oliver] Pond in the regiment commanded by Col. [NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of first name] Reed during the whole of the year 1776 in the [ NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of word] [NOTE: can not interpret hand writing of word] when the continental establishment was [there] [NOTE: can not interpret word] discharged at White Plains - in 1778 served nine months saw the continental establishment in thus company commanded by Daniels Col. [ NOTE: can not interpret name ] regiment also served nine months now but the years in regiment I have forgotten Jan 1782 I again enlisted and served in the company commanded by Capt. [Othaniel] Taylor in this regiment commanded by Col [Tupper] I was transferred to the sixth Massachusetts Regiment commanded by Col. Nixon and [again] [NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of word] regiment to the second Massachusetts Regiment commanded by Col. [NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of last name] when [NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of word] discharged at Philadelphia in August 1783 - all [which] appears by [NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of word] [declaration] made on the [seventeenth] day of April 1818 on which declaration my [ NOTE: can not interpret handwriting of word] of pension Numbered 9075 were [granted]