State of Maine.
To all pesons to whom these presents shall come,
[to the left is a circle with "Seal." inside it and "Albion K. Parris," written under it]
Whereas, before our Court of Common Pleas, begun and holden at Portland, within and for our County of Cumberland, on the third Tuesday of June, (being the twenty first day of said month, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, James Hillsgrove, of Portland, in our said County of Cumberland, Trader, was convicted of the Crime of keeping a Disorderly House; and thereupon, by our said Court, was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars to the use of the State, and costs of prosecution taxed at fifty two dollars and fifty five cents; and recognize himself in the sum of two hundred dollars, with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of one hundred dollars each, to keep the peace and be of good behavior for the term of two years, and stand committed until sentence be performed; and he the said James Hillsgrove has humbly supplicated Us for mercy:
Now, Know Ye, That, upon full consideration of the premises, We do hereby remit to him the said James Hillsgrove that part of the sentence aforesaid, that now remains to be executed; upon condition, that the said James Hillsgrove give his own note for the amount of said fine and costs, or such part thereof, as now remains unpaid, agreeably to the provisions of the second section of the Act entitled “An Act authorizing Courts to liberate or dispose of poor convicts in service,” passed the seventeenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty one; of which all our Judges, Justices, magistrates and Officers of every denomination are to take notice.
Witness, Albion K. Parris our Governor, with the advice and consent of our Council, and our Seal hereunto affixed, at Portland, the sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five; and in the fiftieth year of the Independence of the United States of America.
By the Governor:
A: Nichols, Secretary of State.