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98 Tuesday January 22d 1822 - [1822 Jany 22]

[Committee on Clerks of Courts &c] Order of the House that Messrs Balch, Usher & True with such as the Senate may join be a committee to take into consideration what alteration if any is necessary in the “Act providing for the appointing of Clerks of the Courts in the several counties and requiring them to render an account of all monies received,” passed June 27, 1820, with leave to report by bill or otherwise, came up for concurrence - read and concurred and Messrs Pierce and Burnham were joined on the part of the Senate -

[Bills] The following bills were read the first time and tomorrow at ten o’clock assigned for their second reading & committed to the Committee on Bills in the second reading, to wit - Bill authorizing the sale of Ministerial and School lands in the town of Sullivan - Bill to authorize the inhabitants of Rutherfords Island to build a bridge Bill to authorize Buckfield Grammar School - Bill to incorporate the town of Cooper - and Bill additional to the Act regulating Judicial process and proceedings, and Bull to incorporate the Master, wardens & members of the Casco lodge - The following bills were read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House - Bill to provide for the packing and inspection of smoked and pickled fish Bill to incorporate the town of Parkman and Bill to incorporate the town of Dutton. The bill authorize the sale of school lands in the town of Guildford was read a second time and passed to be engrossed with amendments - sent down for concurrence