[1823 January 20]
Parishes & other religious Societies, Ministerial and school lands, came up for concurrence, was read and nonconcurred. -
[Report of the Committee on Bangor Bank]
The committee appointed in pursuance of a Resolve of the Legislature of the 9th Instant, to enquire into and investigation the doings and situation of Bangor Bank, made their report which was read and referred to the Joint Standing committee on Banks & Banking: Sent down for concurrence: came up concurred. -
[Resolve for printing & distributing Blank returns]
Resolve providing for the printing & distribution of blank returns for Governor &c was read and passed to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence: came up concurred.
[Bill respecting Sale of Ministerial Land Baldwin]
Bill additional to an Act authorizing the sale of Ministerial lands in Baldwin was read a second time and refused passage.
[Resolves passed]
Mr. Case from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported a Resolve providing for the promulgation and distribution of the Laws & Resolves of the States. Resolve in favor of Ephraim Curier and Resolve confirming the doings of the town of Wilton to be truly copied and they were severally passed. Also
[Bill enacted]
Bill to incorporate the Alna Lodge and it was passed to be enacted.
Mr. Wilson from the same committee reported