167 [1823 January 23] in concurrence with the House.-
[Pet. Selectmen of Denmark] On motion of Mr. Steele ordered that the petition of the Selectmen of Denmark be taken from the files & laid on the table; Referred to the Joint Standing Committee on New Trials, sent down for concurrence: came up concurred.-
[Report on Petition] Mr. Tallman from the Committee on the petition of Joel R. Ellis & als for a Bank at Augusta, reported that said petition be referred to the next Legislature; read, accepted and send down for concurrence: came up concurred.
[Bill incorporated Stearns Pond canal] Bill to incorporate the proprietors of Stearns Pond Canal, and [Bill for relief of the estate of Wm Bingham] Bill for the relief of the estate of William Bingham, deceased; were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House.
[Remonstrance of A. Milliken & als] Remonstrance of Abner Milliken and others of Lincolnville against the petition of Daniel Barrett that a section of the Resolve granting him a Charter for a turnpike may be made voice, committed in the House to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals, came up for concurrence; was read and concurred.
[Report on Petition] Mr. Green [Greene] from the Committee on the petition of Cooling Cummings and others.