187 [1823 January 28] lature; and the further consideration of the subject postponed till tomorrow at ten oclock.
[Report on the Acct. of Land Agents] The Committee on State lands to whom was referred the accounts of the several land agents, made their report, which was referred to the Joint Standing Committee on accounts; sent down for concurrence.
[Resolve relocating to location of Courts in County of York] Resolve relating to the location of the Courts in the County of York, passed to be engrossed in the House, came up for concurrence, was read and committed to Messrs. O'Brien & Burnham.
[Resolve respecting purchase of Greenleaf's Reports] Resolve for purchasing Greenleaf's Reports came up and the House insist upon their vote of the 27th inst. by which they nonconcurred the Senate in passing the Resolve to be engrossed and insist upon their amendments: The Senate insist upon their former vote by which they passed the Resolve to be engrossed, sent down.