[see page 147]
To the Senate and House of Representatives The Adjutant General having reported the resignation of Major General Turner, of the fourth Division, and the same having been accepted, I now make known to the two branches of the Legislature, that the office of Major General of the fourth Division of the Militia of this State is vacant.
Council Chamber February 2, 1826 Albion H. Parris.
[See P. 157]
To the Senate and House of Representatives I have received from the Delegates of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians, a memorial in behalf of said Tribe, setting forth sundry grievances, for which they ask redress. As the relief prayed for, can only be afforded by the Legislative branch of the Government. I herewith submit the memorial to the two Houses, for their consideration
Council Chamber February 3, 1826 Albion H. Parris.
To the Senate and House Representatives I transmit for the consideration of the Legislature, a communication frond the Acting Quarter Master General, relative to the disposition of an unexpended balance of the money appropriated by the Resolve for the purchase of Field Ordnance, passed on the twenty third of February last
Council Chamber February 9, 1826 Albion H. Parris.